Poll:Have you tried drugs?

have u ?

  • yeps

    Votes: 25 45.5%
  • hell no!

    Votes: 30 54.5%

  • Total voters
H.P.Lovecraft said:
Ok here's my question.
Why should someone try drugs?

I think the main reasons why people try them is:

1. Because maybe some of, a lot of, or all of their friends are doing it.
2. Simply because they want to see what it's like.

Sadly, people will try the highly addictive substances and like it too much. Therefore, they become an addict. Then, they realize what kind of lifestyle they have pursued and realize that if they don't stop, there will not be a future for them. Then, they try to get off of the drugs, and realize it's too fucking hard because it's an addiction, they go through bad withdraws without the substance because their body has grown accustomed to the reality altering mindfuck. Then, they are basically screwed, unless they have enough will power.

I have had a lot of broken friendships due to the hard drugs quite simply because I have no repect for those kinds of people. A few of them, are actually clean and hate the shit. I now have regained respect (not as much as before) for them and now hang out with them again. One friend of mine, one of my ex-girlfriends, is trying to quit but finds it too hard because of the people she interacts with, most of which used to be my friends as well. Her sister, now shoots heroin. Her boyfriend, who I went to school with and have known for 8 years, shoots heroin. It's a fucked up lifestyle. I have never lived it because I'm smarter than that. Plus, the only thing I like is being drunk. I don't like being high. If you want to try drugs, beware (depending on what it is). Don't let the high get to you because in the long run, you'll want out of the life you are leading.

NP: Children of Bodom - Mask of Sanity
H.P.Lovecraft said:
ok then if my friends are gay, should I be gay too?

It's a different situation. For one, you can't just be gay because of your friends, it's your sexual preference, it's natural. Two, a kid's major influence is their friends. Maybe they want to fit in, or maybe they want to see what the hype is about. It's a different situation. And it's true too. I think the main reason I used to smoke weed is because of social reasons. Now (and 4 years ago when I quit), I reached the age to where I don't give a fuck. I mean yeah, I love my friends and all, friends are family, but I do what I want to do. I have my own life to lead.

NP: Pantera - Shattered
dude i don't wanna get into your life or anything... but did you think what would happen if that ex girlfriend of yours eventually overdozes? how would you take it knowing that you ran away from her?
i'd help her much like i'd help any human being... just my opinion though
EagleFlyFree said:
dude i don't wanna get into your life or anything... but did you think what would happen if that ex girlfriend of yours eventually overdozes? how would you take it knowing that you ran away from her?
i'd help her much like i'd help any human being... just my opinion though

I didn't run away from her. We broke up years before she got involved into that bullshit. We've lost contact over the years. She hasn't tried contacting me.
i didn't mean run away as in out of your relationship, i mean as a friend
i thought you still had contact

but even then, i'd try to contact her and help her out... but your life's your life and her life's her life after all
SSJ4SephirothX said:
I think the main reasons why people try them is:

1. Because maybe some of, a lot of, or all of their friends are doing it.
2. Simply because they want to see what it's like.

Sadly, people will try the highly addictive substances and like it too much. Therefore, they become an addict. Then, they realize what kind of lifestyle they have pursued and realize that if they don't stop, there will not be a future for them. Then, they try to get off of the drugs, and realize it's too fucking hard because it's an addiction, they go through bad withdraws without the substance because their body has grown accustomed to the reality altering mindfuck. Then, they are basically screwed, unless they have enough will power.

Er, you must be talking about Heroin cos that doesnt happen with all drugs!That and crack are the two drugs I wouldnt ever try.And PCP actually.

In response to the question why do drugs, theres another answer..boredom!

You have an amazing cognitive system (which is actualy one reason NOT to do drugs a lot cos you dont wanna damage it) so its just a whole new experience to fuck with the settings a bit
bodomite said:
(throws some shit around)
(throws computer out wondow)ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH
(applys the corpse paint)
(runs into the woods)
Wait.. so how'd you finish that post if you threw your computer out the window?
You are lying
and.. uh oh..
by bodom-board systematic logic... that means you are GAY :grin:

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