drugs drugs drugs

man Eddie Vna Halen needs a dentist and a barber ... wtf?
how can DLR be more together than him?
Wrest writes seriously good and mood-shaping music. It becomes obvious when you listen to Lurker of Chalice, but his job on Leviathan is equally unruly, only drowned in the ugly frying-pan mix.

Xasthur is perfect on the right occasions, "Nocturnal Poisoning" remains his most constant release, possibly the darkest also.
Ellestin said:
Xasthur is perfect on the right occasions, "Nocturnal Poisoning" remains his most constant release, possibly the darkest also.

Haha perfect, I bought that cd blind at Amoeba records in San Francisco almost two years ago and have listened to it maybe 10 times total since then, mostly while falling asleep. To this date most of my exposure to Xasthur is from a couple of mp3s from the first album that sounded totally awesome!
haha now that's just silly. 90% of druggies I knew were white trash. my pals were too afraid to do drugs and beaners were too asleep.

ITP: I get very racist.
NADatar said:
white trash.
yeah thusly not of pure aryan blood and spirit

corrupted by judeo-christian society & morality

true aryan rides, shoots straight & speaks the truth. honesty, valour, honour & cheap vodka only.

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