Have You Ever Met Saxon?

Mad Dan McCafferty

Don't Get Mad,Get Waysted
Oct 6, 2004
I was wondering how mwny of you guys have got to meet Saxon over the years?

I met them after the Crusader gig at the Apollo Glasgow in 1984. Great gig me & my mate were in the front row of the Stalls. We were first back in after the gig to meet the band, got my programme signed by them all (very overwhelming to a 14 year old!!) Biff signed the front cover with a big black ink pen which to this day has'nt dried!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats a cool story, sadly i have never met Saxon, its near the top of 'my things to do' list and has been forever it seems! Id love to meet 'em.

Id also very much like to meet the singer from Within Temptation ;)
CRUSADER747 said:
I havent met Saxon either, in fact i have only ever met three bands.
Paul Di'Anno and Killers
(i have all there autographs too)

Thats quite cool! And it also makes three more bands than i have met !
I worked in Hotels for many years, so got to meet the following bands/People:

Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley
Bryan Adams!!
Arnold Shwartzenneger (HOw the hell do you spell that!!)
David Hasselhoff (tosser)
Richard & Judy (Used to work on their show, was Fred the weathermans lifeguard!!!!)
Irvine Welsh
Dolph Lungdren
Emma Thompson
Roy 'Chubby' Brown
Jon Bon Jovi
Jo Brand
Danni Minogue
Kim Bassinger
The Macc Ladds and so on.........

Lots of uninteresting people apart fromj Gene & Paul!! There's loads more but I'm bored now!!
Mad Dan McCafferty said:
I worked in Hotels for many years, so got to meet the following bands/People:

Gene Simmons & Paul Stanley
Bryan Adams!!
Arnold Shwartzenneger (HOw the hell do you spell that!!)
David Hasselhoff (tosser)
Richard & Judy (Used to work on their show, was Fred the weathermans lifeguard!!!!)
Irvine Welsh
Dolph Lungdren
Emma Thompson
Roy 'Chubby' Brown
Jon Bon Jovi
Jo Brand
Danni Minogue
Kim Bassinger
The Macc Ladds and so on.........QUOTE]

Wow, lucky you!!
Im impressed. Don't you ever get nervous meeting famous people? When i met a few bands, i was, and it felt a bit surreal.
I try to avoid meeting bands in case they turn out to be wankers.I met Nibs befor theAstoria gig the other year that was cool i also met king prawn andSomething Happens and Mark Morrison but thats a story i shall tell you another time:Spin:
CRUSADER747 said:
....but there one of the bands i dont listen to anymore, like AC/DC, Bon Jovi, Poison, LA. Guns, Def Leppard,

Poison lol !! Are they still going ? Fuck! What a positively stomach churning listen thier music was....I always found it handy to have an album or two of thiers tho, the girls always seemed to like them ;)
Originally Posted by valanx

Poison lol !! I always found it handy to have an album or two of thiers tho, the girls always seemed to like them

Why.... are Poison records absorbant at certain times of the month?

Personally "Europe" did the job, and at least before TFC they were pretty damn heavy... :OMG: I kid ye not!

I could argue that Europes - (1984) Wings of Tomorrow, album and (1983) Europe, in parts are more than a match for the Power and the Glory and even though I'm pissed yet again, I have no regrets about saying this!!!
MatRattz said:
Personally "Europe" did the job, and at least before TFC they were pretty damn heavy... :OMG: I kid ye not!

I could argue that Europes - (1984) Wings of Tomorrow, album and (1983) Europe, in parts are more than a match for the Power and the Glory and even though I'm pissed yet again, I have no regrets about saying this!!!

Yes!! There first two albums seriously ROCK!
Seven doors hotel, Scream of anger, E.T.C. Great stuff. I love the two instrumentals as well - Buy Them Now:flame:
Yer see the birds i used to pull(before i met the beutiful mrs wilks) always wanted Jesus And Mary Chain and stuff like that.Then later it was Dogs Damour.I never did meet a girl who was a Venom fan.Mind you the wife cant stand real metal at all.

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