Have you seen Bodom??????

Sinner Rider

Mar 5, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
I have been waiting for years!!!! About two months ago they were suppose to come here (to minneapolis) but Alexi strained his shoulder or somthing so they cancelled, and of course I was drunk as shit and freaked out. I was atleast still was able to see Dimmu, nevermore, and hypocrisy. (again)

I will be seeing them after a long wait on April 21!!!! I was just wonder how many people around the fuckin planet have seen them. It's been hard as hell for me.
well, it's not so hard in here, since the band is from Finland. The first CoB gig I saw was in late 1997 I think. And from then on I've seen them like once or twice a year. And a couple of Sinergy gigs, also(3 if I remember correctly).
I saw Bodom once (which was there first show here) with Hypocrisy, Nevermore, and Dimmu Borgir. I'm seeing them again this April with Iced Earth. :)
Saw them during the Dimmu/Nevermore/Hypocrisy tour. And I will definetly not miss the best band on earth at the Iced Earth gig.

BettyTenderAss said:
I gotta spit story!!!!

In milwaukee... Alexi spit towards the ceiling. It was a massive gob of lung butter and it adhered to the roof and then proceeded to drip down slowly. It shouldn't have been attractive in any way, and yet I was strangely allured to the mucus...
*Start Dana Carvey* Well isn't that special? */end Dana Carvey*
Well, on my first CoB show, Alexi took a loooooooong sip from a bottle of "water" and after a couple of seconds he spat it all directly at the first couple of rows. Fortunately, I was a bit further back..

And this brings me to off topic: anyone else think the same as Thomas, that on a Mayhem gig you should look out for blood, if on the front rows? I'm going to my first Mayhem gig next month, so I'm trying to decide whether I should wear real clothes or only my shorts.. So in case I get splattered with blood, I wouldn't have to wash all my clothes, just the shorts.. :p
The Lantern Nut said:
Anyone got spat on? :D

Yeah I did, when I went to see Bodom last November, Alexi took a sip of his beer and spat it in the air and it got on the people in the first row, lol.
Yeah, I've seen it many times. After all, it's only 15 kilometres from my house. People ski on it at winter since it's frozen.