Meeting Bodom?

Star Matt

New Metal Member
Jan 10, 2006
Sorry if there are already threads on this...but I am seeing Bodom tomorrow and am basically going nuts! I was wondering, anyone have tips on how to meet them? Also...for those who have seen God Forbid and Through the Eyes of the Dead, are they easy to meet? Again sorry if this has been said before, but I really want to meet these bands and I thought a new thread would be nice since I am seeing them tomorrow and want to get as many replies as possible. Thanks!
Best is after shows. Bringing some booze may help.:)
Many ppl have had positive experiences meeting them, and were surprised they were *not* arrogant rock star assholes. It's best when there's not TOO many ppl around. Depending on when you meet them, they might be drunk tho!,)
Good luck.
Star Matt said:
Sorry if there are already threads on this...but I am seeing Bodom tomorrow and am basically going nuts! I was wondering, anyone have tips on how to meet them? Also...for those who have seen God Forbid and Through the Eyes of the Dead, are they easy to meet? Again sorry if this has been said before, but I really want to meet these bands and I thought a new thread would be nice since I am seeing them tomorrow and want to get as many replies as possible. Thanks!
1st Step: Bring Corona, they love Corona.
2nd Step: Wait after the gig w/ the booze.
3rd Step: Try and find their bus, or wait until they come out of the venue.
4th Step: Give them the beer, and they will surely take some pics w/ you or talk to you.
Star Matt said:
Sadly I am to young to buy booze. Will Bodom still be willing to talk to me?

they probably still will.

BUT, you gotta be at the venue real early or be at the bus after the gig. for you not being old enough to buy booze.

beer rocks.
Well I am going with a bunch of friends so getting there early won't happen (girls take forever to get ready). So I will probably stay after and try to meet them! Where is the bus usually parked? Also, what does it look like (any old tour bus or are there special markings?)?
Generally speaking the tour buses are fairly obvious, they park near the venue and are usually double layered, blacked out sorta things.
Star Matt said:
Well I am going with a bunch of friends so getting there early won't happen (girls take forever to get ready). So I will probably stay after and try to meet them! Where is the bus usually parked? Also, what does it look like (any old tour bus or are there special markings?)?
They usually drive a mini-van. (I saw them driving one at the signing in Encinitas)
I met Bodom before a gig because I was there really early I didnt plan to meet them but Alexi is an nice guy he said enjoy the show and I got some pictures and autographs,he is really small.
Mitton said:
Theres nothing really special about meeting a band so just go to gig and have a good time.
after the show. wait by the bus, not by the back door to the venue. Alot of people do this, its wrong. Alot of Bands I know run right tot he bus before people can get out, and wait for the crowd to go down, or to have soem drinks, before they come out.

Also, just be patient, they will come.
CliffBurton said:
after the show. wait by the bus, not by the back door to the venue. Alot of people do this, its wrong. Alot of Bands I know run right tot he bus before people can get out, and wait for the crowd to go down, or to have soem drinks, before they come out.

Also, just be patient, they will come.

Hehe at the concert I went too, I waited by the door (while everybody was at the bus) and caught every single one of the members coming out alone, with no other anyoing fans around. I did get out of the concert extremely early and fast though.