did bodom play last night?

lets see yesterday was milwaukee??, they probably did, because its too cold over there for any really bad germes to surive, so they might be recovering a little.

RocQ on Shaq attaq
The Lantern Nut said:
How much spitting was there? ;) ;) ;)
haha he spits way up into the air, i love it. He hocked one op at the denver show and landed *splat* right on my hand
Yeah they played... It was more than I ever imagined. Thanks to all the Bodom guys for giving me a reason to live. Every member was full of energy, god damn it was great.
There was a pic of Alexi where u can see his "rabbit teeth" quite well. So, some ppl started nicknaming him Angry Rabbit....
And I STILL don't know why the angry rabbit is SPITTING.ALL.THE.FUCKING.TIME.
I'm just fucking curious...
Because he likes it... no, really, don't have a fucking clue... but he's REALLY SPITTING all the time.. perhaps we wants to clear his throat to scream as well as he ever does... let him spit if he's singing great....