did bodom play last night?

Well, Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater also spits a lot and he is a drummer. He said that's because his parents were lamas.
The Lantern Nut said:
There was a pic of Alexi where u can see his "rabbit teeth" quite well. So, some ppl started nicknaming him Angry Rabbit....
And I STILL don't know why the angry rabbit is SPITTING.ALL.THE.FUCKING.TIME.
I'm just fucking curious...
I want to see that picture! LOL can you post it or give me the link to it please??? :rock:

that's the pic...

But I STILL don't know why my lovely little angry bunnyyyyyyyyyy is SPITTING all the time! ;) ;) ;)
Well, I'm spitting very often, too but my Parents ain't llamas and I'm not from Finland - therefor: It's a "bad"(?) habit. In this case, it gives the fans unbeatable gifts XD