Have you seen the 2010 version of We are the world?


Anssi Tenhunen
The amount of audible autotuning (starting from the very first line by Justin Bieber), Wyclef Jean and Santanas drowned wankery makes me want to cry. dead babies.

edit: if you compare it to the original version, it gives a nice aspect of what is/was "the sound of the time" by the time of the making of the track. For example the snare is more prominent in the old version, when the kick is more prominent in the new version.

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-sigh- Can only hope that things turn around soon with the whole love for over touching vocals with auto tune..
The problem is that the record companies have lowered the bar when it comes to musicality in the artists they choose now days.
Now they can just pick up the artist that is the best entertainer on stage, because live there is playback, and in the studio the editing possibilities are endless now days.

This is all i have to say:
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Saw this a few weeks ago on Youtube, me and my brother couldn't stop laughing ... what the fuck was Wyclef doing here with the yelling ? And why is Vince Vaughn in there?
the new version is... hmm... soulless compared to the old one

and wtf is with wycleaf yodelling, oh and t-pain/hip-hop part ...

You know how it is nowadays, Justin Beiber>Lionel Richie. Bullshit. At least Josh Groban came, he is a really good singer.
Jesus, that is fucking terrible.

I liked a lot of pop music in the 80's, this reminds me of why I can't stomach it now. At 6 minutes I just said god dammit and turned it off.
Total pile of shit. Besides all the auto tune, the hip hop all out of place and the shit singers, we have criminals singing "we are the world". I'm pretty sure they where selling crack to children before they made it.
Total pile of shit. Besides all the auto tune, the hip hop all out of place and the shit singers, we have criminals singing "we are the world". I'm pretty sure they where selling crack to children before they made it.

I was thinking the same thing.

Doesn't being a hip hop star nowadays entail not giving a fuck about anybody and just getting money?

I'd more readily buy into a Black Metal version of "Do They Know it's Christmas"
there are no words to express the shittiness
give me lionel richie and mj any day