

Oct 14, 2005
Faculty of Science
That's right, the old forum. Does any of the UM veterans remember how Havenisms was like, what features it had and what features it didn't, what memorable/interesting/hilarious/sad things happened, and how DT-forum-life was back then in general? I'm curious. :)
So Havenisms was the old phorum? I've always wondered where it was, can someone tell me? Also, how many members where more less in it? :Smug:
Well, the bad EzBoard interface aside, it was rather similar to this one, but not quite. A bit less off-topic stuff, maybe, and a lot more old-timers around, who, at the time, were not so old. The range of topics was not so broad, although several discussions had the tendency of branching on to multiple subjects. Just like today, I guess. Different, yet the same, you know. The lyrics-discussion between Rahvin and Jeroen was indeed the best part, as far as I can remember.

If I had to throw a single adjective to describe how the atmosphere of the old forum differed from the DT-forum of today, I'd say it felt more carefree. Then again, it might just be that I was more carefree back then. Community-wise, it was never so tightly knit as this forum used to be a few years ago - there were some good friends and perhaps an intimate couple or two aboard, but I can't recall any massive forum-meetings or anything like that from those days.

If I miss something from the old forum, it has to be the passionate, sometimes even heated discussions about specific DT-songs. I've been thinking of reviving some of those discussions here, but I don't believe they'd be as fruitful as they used to be - it feels like most of us have already said everything by now, there's no need to repeat the same points raised years ago.

I remembered a few discussions here and there from the old forum, but what I remembered most were the annoying pop-up ads and closing them.