To all the new users

hyena said:
Right, this needs a response, and a question. The response: I know that I'm not the ultimate philosopher that mankind has produced, therefore I do not take exception to this definition. Personally, I think I'm better than the average (not confined to this forum) where structured thoughts are concerned, while I might not excel in elegance on here because English is not my first language. But that's an opinion, and you're free to disagree. For once, I'm not even offended by your post.

On the other hand, please mention people (on here) that you regard as capable of good conversation according to the definition I gave. In order to clarify, I'm thinking of: non-superficial reflection, original ideas, pleasant and inspiring form, knowledge of the topic that's being debated, openness and receptiveness towards counter-arguments. I'm curious as to whom you would put on the white list.

A) If i had to choose anyone who would have tried to convert this into a popularity contest it would be both of you, so congratulations on meeting my increasingly low expectations of both of you as worthless fucking broads.

B) Its ridiculous that you think that i would ever want anyone here to regard me as anything other than a troll, given the fact that i constantly state how i dont give a shit about anyone here.

C) If anything is more absurd than the above two, is the fact that you think pleasant and ispiring ideas are somehow more valid. Again leave it to a dumb fucking broad to asume something more beautifull is better and more valid.
and the catfight goes on..

@wildfyr: Seriously, i think you shouldn't leave because of this.. It's not like it's been happening all the time lately or all over the place (ok, just once a while ago). Besides, this is a misanthrope thread. ;)
In my opinion, your leaving the forum is only going to make it worse.
Still, the decision is yours and i respect that, just know that i (and i'm sure many other forum members) want you back asap. :)
This thread seriously lack midget porn.
btw your avatar compliments mine!
but i don't think that would do any good - there wasn't much going on there except for um's downtimes
@Siren: I wasn't planning on leaving for good and would never announce it if planning to do so. That would be totally geigh. ;)

Thanks for making me feel "wanted" around here, though. *feels all warm and fuzzy* :)

@Rusty: Were you trying to imply that I'm a "catty" bitch? :p Anyhoo, thanks for missing me already. (heh)

@the new users: There was a point when other DT community members would get on my nerves and I would spew out some stupid replies. I don't participate as often as I used to but I try to read (lurk?) as much as possible. Some members still get on my nerves sometimes - which is normal in any family - but I try not to act (post) on it. I'm not the welcoming committee here, either, but Welcomez to all the new people! :-)

@Mis: Do we still have that date in Hell? :grin:
@Rusty: Alrighty then, thanks for the clarification.

@Mis: Uhm... Ok. Good on you for sustaining a long-term relationship. It's sort of rare nowadays. I'm happy to know that you have something good going for you in your life and I wish you and your significant other (Maria, correct?) many more happy years together.
Misanthrope just needs some drama in his life,
and we're giving it to him.
He may go on an on all he wants about how much we, as a generation of forum members, suck; but he knows we're better than any Mexican soap opera in the end
Oh Mexican soap operas ( along with mexican soccer ) are a big part of what makes me call this country hell but i have plenty of drama in real life. I also have plenty of drama among several other internet comunities i also troll, if i cause more here is because i like internet drama.

But im gonna be even more honest with you: this forum is a completely boring place and the only drama to be found is the one i cause, and it bores me cause is as easy as throwing a match at a bucket of gasoline: i can create and summon several pages of discussion with a single, ridiculously pointless and random insult. Thats why i want new users, i need new challenges.
this thing about drama is a very important point. not just because of the allegation of trying to stir up some, nor in the admission that it's easy to do so. in another thread i mentioned that i was considering writing a long rant about what should be on online boards. i'm still not going to do that, but the core of that rant was supposed to go something like this: communication between users in communities mimicks unscripted fiction, therefore it needs a narrative basis in order to go from point a to point b. narrative is always a matter of overcoming conflicts. that's why, in my opinion, lack of confrontation due to constant, standard agreement is the death of online communities.