Having My Surgery Tomorrow- update 9/18 from Sean

Our prayers are with you. Greg and I have missed the last 2 PP's but hopefully will be back next year. Would love to see you and all our PP friends again.
Love Ya!
I'm on the follow up call list and imagine we won't hear anything for a while as he's got to heal (I read that they are in the hospital anywhere from 1-3 weeks). This is a case of "no news is good news".

Well, as long as he's laying around doing nothing, tell him to get his ass on this board and post!!!!!! :lol:
Sean was going to have one of his buds post an update on his behalf.

Sean this pic is for you..

Just got a call from the Q. His surgery was a success and he is resting comfortably in ICU. He wanted me to let everyone know that he thanks you for all the positive thoughts and will post as soon as possible.