A Bit Of Good News!

That's wonderful news Sean!

I work with a server at Applebee's that donated a kidney - both she and the recipient are doing very well. Believe it or not, she's the first person I've ever met that had done that, so it's very interesting to see the situation from the other "side".
Update: Well myself and my live kidney donor are going through the 4th round of testing. All looks great! A lot of the biggie tests are done and out of the way. 90% of all heart/ cardiology tests are back and look great which is a HUGE relief. All I have left is a treadmill stress test tomorrow (Tuesday) and a clearance from the dentist and I will be ready. I heard from the transplant coordinator today and she said that it looks like it will happen right after I return from Atlanta! And it also looks like I wiull be receiving a double transplant (kidney/ pancreas).