Hawk - I get the impression that you have a monster CD collection...

i was thinking 'bout this the other day. I know my collection is very weak compared to most here, but I do try!

about 40 vinyl left of what wasn't "stolen"
200+ cassettes
about 200 cd's
15 picture discs
SoundMaster said:
....if you don't mind sharing the info, just how many CDs, cassessettes, vinyl records do you own?

My collection stands at approximately 1,600.

Well, I have been buying records since 1976. Somewhere around 1986 I switched to cds. But if you ask me how many records and cds I have I have to tell you the truth, I really don't know. I never counted them. I am not the administrative type in that I catalog everything cd and records I own.

One day I will count them but not just yet. I understand your interest and wish I could give you a better answer. but at this moment I can't.

A rough estimation would be somewhere between 2500 to 3500 but I could be very wrong!
I dont have an approximate number but I own Thousands of albums between Cds and Cassettes but here is the easy part I own 3 records :D 2 of which I will be sending to greeno hehehe ...That all is the cumination of 15 years worth of Tape and Cd buying so I do have alot hahaha
Somewhere around 800 I guess. Haven't counted latley. I rip all mine to my hard drive and that says I have 10,888 songs. It's nice having 160 gig HD!
I am almost at 500 cd's...since I was born when vinyl was pretty much withering away (the year of the seventh son of the seventh son). But I have bought some albums...about 59 plus my old Elvis ones which I never counted (note: I hate elvis but the albums I have are never played original pressing that are worth shit loads of money)
carnut said:
Bring who ??

Not who, what :D .

She meant an Asian non-pocket calculator, an abbacus


And If were you I rather go with a Casio PB-1000 :tickled:

P.S 967 official albums in my collection 99.5% CDs
dargormudshark said:
..about 59 plus my old Elvis ones which I never counted (note: I hate elvis but the albums I have are never played original pressing that are worth shit loads of money)

Was a large part of my collection prior to being all taken. I inherited them from my mother, who had a lovely voice and loved singing along with the King. It always brings back fond memories for me....

When her motor`s warm, and she`s purrin` sweet
Buddy let me warn ya`, you`re on a one-way street
She`ll crowd ya` close, spin your wheels
Then you`re gonna know how it feels
To spinout..spinout
Better watch those curves, never let her steer
If she can shake your nerves..boy
She can strip your gears
She`ll get your heart, goin` fast
Then she`ll let you run out of gas
So spinout...spinout
The road to love is full of, danger signs
Too many guys were lost
Who crossed those double lines
Doncha know she`s out to prove, she can really score
Never saw parts move, boy
Like that before
To flag you down, that`s her goal
Scoot before you lose control
And spinout...spinout!! :headbang:
Man I don't know how many cd's , cassettes and albums I've owned over the years...LOTS...but the shame of it is I know I have under 100 now! I have resorted to selling a lot of discs when times got hard and I've always regretted it...but you gotta bite the bullet, ya know? I'd say I have 4 vinyl, 10 cassettes, and maybe 50 cd's. I should note that these are my personal cream of the crop...ones I can't live without and would just buy again if I sold....but my vinyl is this:

OZZY - Speak of the Devil
KISS - Gene Simmons
KISS - Alive
Cinderella - NIGHT SONGS - had the band autograph it at a club!

The KISS lp's were my first albums ever. I was 8 years old when I got 'em! My dad took me to the store and let me pick out anything...there ya have it.
Sheesh! I've got a piddly little collection. :cry: I have about 400 CDs and prolly around 200 albums. I'd say about half the albums are doubled on CD. They're in boxes in a basement closet where the temp stays relatively constant. I don't even have a turntable anymore. Since I got an MP3 player my discs are opened once, ripped, and shelved. For the most part anyway.
I love to hear about peoples collections, great thread.

My collection consists of about 3000 cd's and 2000 lp's, been at it for a long time now, since about 1978.

So tell us more about your collecting habits. How do you store them, is your collection neat or disorderly? Are you a completest, do you have to have everything a favorite band releases even though you may not like each album?

As for me I'm anal about my stuff. Everything is broke down into genres than alhpabetical and chronological. Some of my friends have their cd's scattered every where... that just drives me nutz!!!!! :lol: