Hawk - I get the impression that you have a monster CD collection...

Greeno my collection would drive you insane! I dont get all anal about Order Hell I just got a giant cd book and randomly placed as many cds in it as possible atleast now I know they are safe since there were spread about the room in many piles which really did bother me so I took care of that but I still have several hundred burned cds in no cases at all and 90% of my other cds are in cases but not there own ... its a fucking mess :)
JonnyD said:
Greeno my collection would drive you insane! I dont get all anal about Order Hell I just got a giant cd book and randomly placed as many cds in it as possible atleast now I know they are safe since there were spread about the room in many piles which really did bother me so I took care of that but I still have several hundred burned cds in no cases at all and 90% of my other cds are in cases but not there own ... its a fucking mess :)

SLACKER!!! :wave:
JonnyD said:
Greeno my collection would drive you insane! I dont get all anal about Order Hell I just got a giant cd book and randomly placed as many cds in it as possible atleast now I know they are safe since there were spread about the room in many piles which really did bother me so I took care of that but I still have several hundred burned cds in no cases at all and 90% of my other cds are in cases but not there own ... its a fucking mess :)

STOP!!!!! I'm gonna be sick!!!!!!
Igor_Cavalera said:
You go Greeno! For 3000 CDs and 2000 LPs that's quite an effort!! :rock:

Once you get that many if you don't have them in some kind of order you could never find anything. Not that that's my reason, like I said I'm just anal. :)
So I visited Hawk, and I think Greeno has slightly more in total but I can assure you guys Hawk has a very high quality vinyl collection, lot's of very good and some ultra rare stuff ....I haven't counted, but it's a BIIIIIIIIGGGGG collection indeed !! Also the CD's lying around are not to count, let's say all the best new and re-issued stuff is around ! Sorry we had no camera there, next time I'll take it with me for sure !
Greeno said:
STOP!!!!! I'm gonna be sick!!!!!!

You may like mine maybe. I had two custom made wooden shelves for all my CDs and tapes. As the CD collection grows the tapes move.

I have to take some pics and post them soon.
Wyvern said:
I have to take some pics and post them soon.

Hell yeah, post some pics! Everyone post pics if they can, I'd like to see everyones collections.

Here is a pic of my wall of vinyl... haha

JonnyD said:
Nice Buddy! hehehe I will post a pic but I am going to have to get all the cases in some sort of order first :loco:

No no... we want a picture of your collection in it's natural state. :)
Sorry about the photo quality, but is a cheap borrowed digital camera:


the tapes (new shelves)

the DVDs (just a few I'm not into them)

the CDs (972 as today)

the books (my second vice)

the few vinyls (mostly classic music)
tedvanfrehley said:
Wyvern! How bout a closeup of the 2 chick posters in the background?!?!? hehe

Nice stuff everybody!


Poster by Patrick Nagel one of my favorite artists. I was lucky to got it when a store when out of business several, several years ago.


No introduction necessary, she died 4 years before I born, still in love with her.
hahahahah you can tell when somebody's old, when they have/had a crush on Marilyn Manroe!! :lol:

just kiddin wyv...for her time's standards, she was a beauty :worship:
Wyvern said:
Sorry about the photo quality, but is a cheap borrowed digital camera:

Great pics Wyvern! I like those shelves you have for the tapes and cd's. Did you make them?
Dodens Grav said:
I have about 580 CDs and 10 or so vinyls, and have been collecting seriously for about 2 and a half years, but 7 years in total.

Cool post, sounds like a great collection for someone so young. You're well on your way to being a full blown music geek (that's a compliment by the way :) ).