So typically with me, you know I get to albums many many moons after everyone else already has. Mostly because I listen to music in a cyclical fashion (Zod calls it my fall/winter morbid football season metal kick, lol), and partially because I simply buy more than there is time to actually listen and absorb.
But fuck it, yeah?
So anyway, what have you just discovered, or recently re-discovered as it may be?
For me, these albums are shredding my innards lately:
Shining - III Angst (okay, why didn't anyone tell me they fucking own?)
Taake - ...Bjoergvin... (yeah, yeah, I know, they have been critical darlings forever & a day, but holy shit this might be one of the greatest black metal albums I've ever heard)
Nehemah - Light of a Dead Star (one emotion =

, i.e. holy bejeesus)
Woods Of Ypres - Against The Seasons (I think this is another RC forum darling, but wow I was NOT prepared for how ass-kicking this EP is)
YOB - The Illusion Of Motion (um, is this as good as I think it is? wow)
Hammers Of Misfortune - The Bastard (I won't even comment, Ali is laughing at me right now)
Windir - Arntor (well I knew the band ruled, I just didn't know HOW MUCH THIS FUCKING ALBUM DID)