Hay guyz, this is the "late to the party" thread!

not sure if it counts (and I started the thread), but I listened to Deathspell Omega's Inquisitors of Satan for the first time yesterday, on my drive to Boston, and all I can say is holy fucking batlord.

Necro as fuck. It rules. I don't see how anyone who even remotely enjoys black metal would not want to make sweet love to this album.
not sure if it counts (and I started the thread), but I listened to Deathspell Omega's Inquisitors of Satan for the first time yesterday, on my drive to Boston, and all I can say is holy fucking batlord.

Necro as fuck. It rules. I don't see how anyone who even remotely enjoys black metal would not want to make sweet love to this album.

In Boston and not even hanging with Doomcifer. I should smack the fuck out of you.
not sure if it counts (and I started the thread), but I listened to Deathspell Omega's Inquisitors of Satan for the first time yesterday, on my drive to Boston, and all I can say is holy fucking batlord.

Necro as fuck. It rules. I don't see how anyone who even remotely enjoys black metal would not want to make sweet love to this album.

Definately. Desecration Master might be one of the best BM songs ever, the riffs and structure of that song is pure and utter genius.
Though listening to it while in a car would feel kind of strange
So typically with me, you know I get to albums many many moons after everyone else already has. Mostly because I listen to music in a cyclical fashion (Zod calls it my fall/winter morbid football season metal kick, lol), and partially because I simply buy more than there is time to actually listen and absorb.

But fuck it, yeah?

So anyway, what have you just discovered, or recently re-discovered as it may be?

For me, these albums are shredding my innards lately:

Shining - III Angst (okay, why didn't anyone tell me they fucking own?)
Taake - ...Bjoergvin... (yeah, yeah, I know, they have been critical darlings forever & a day, but holy shit this might be one of the greatest black metal albums I've ever heard)
Nehemah - Light of a Dead Star (one emotion = :OMG:, i.e. holy bejeesus)
Woods Of Ypres - Against The Seasons (I think this is another RC forum darling, but wow I was NOT prepared for how ass-kicking this EP is)
YOB - The Illusion Of Motion (um, is this as good as I think it is? wow)
Hammers Of Misfortune - The Bastard (I won't even comment, Ali is laughing at me right now)
Windir - Arntor (well I knew the band ruled, I just didn't know HOW MUCH THIS FUCKING ALBUM DID)


this is a good list, dude. glad you're into the taake and windir. if you haven't heard taake's debut, Nattestid Ser Porten Vid, then you should probably get it immediately. i think all of taake's full-lengths are 8.5 or 9/10 but Nattestid is a solid 10/10