Hear "In The End" now...

Some of these arguments are on par with the "Star Wars Vs. Star Trek" arguments one would hear amongst the sci-fi nerds.

Agreed, all I ever did was point some things out from the way I see it and I was very reasonable, but for Anthrax Mosher to call me an idiot was way out of line. I never said "if you think Anthrax is thrash you are all wrong". It's all metal to me, some of it's thrash for sure, some power groove, some slow, and yes they did lean more towards the trash side of things in the Joey era. To me at least, a thrash album has to be thrash end to end, like slayer for example, but I get why people and media labeled them as thrash bands, I really do, because they were great at it, so the focus was on that. Again, just the way I see it. Nothing personal to anyone. Calling me an idiot just for thinking about things differently is silly.
Agreed, all I ever did was point some things out from the way I see it and I was very reasonable, but for Anthrax Mosher to call me an idiot was way out of line. I never said "if you think Anthrax is thrash you are all wrong". It's all metal to me, some of it's thrash for sure, some power groove, some slow, and yes they did lean more towards the trash side of things in the Joey era. To me at least, a thrash album has to be thrash end to end, like slayer for example, but I get why people and media labeled them as thrash bands, I really do, because they were great at it, so the focus was on that. Again, just the way I see it. Nothing personal to anyone. Calling me an idiot just for thinking about things differently is silly.

Out of line? All youve done is run your mouth since you got here. Just trying to make a name for yourself by attacking long time members.
Out of line? All youve done is run your mouth since you got here. Just trying to make a name for yourself by attacking long time members.

I retaliate, I don't initiate. Yes 2 wrongs don't make a right, but there is a difference. You know someone deserves to be attacked when the but-into threads that have nothing to do with thier taste. I like Thrash and everything else Anthrax has done, so I can easily see all points of view. I state my opinion and respect others, how is that attacking? I think you should re-read all my posts before stating stuff like that. I WISH I could attack sometimes...............why take so personal just because I think of 80s Anthrax different to you? What's your problem?
I retaliate, I don't initiate. Yes 2 wrongs don't make a right, but there is a difference. You know someone deserves to be attacked when the but-into threads that have nothing to do with thier taste. I like Thrash and everything else Anthrax has done, so I can easily see all points of view. I state my opinion and respect others, how is that attacking? I think you should re-read all my posts before stating stuff like that. I WISH I could attack sometimes...............why take so personal just because I think of 80s Anthrax different to you? What's your problem?

Your very first post was an attack on IMF09, so I cant believe a word you write here. :heh:
Your very first post was an attack on IMF09, so I cant believe a word you write here. :heh:

Now it 's getting childish.........did you read his post prior to that? Whatever man have the last word, I hope you get a medal for it.

BTW, What I said about IMFAN was an observation, not an attack. I was just stating the obvious. I'm sure IMFAN is big and strong enough to stick-up for himself with you needing to defend for him.
Now it 's getting childish.........did you read his post prior to that? Whatever man have the last word, I hope you get a medal for it.

BTW, What I said about IMFAN was an observation, not an attack. I was just stating the obvious. I'm sure IMFAN is big and strong enough to stick-up for himself with you needing to defend for him.

Im not defending im pointing out a fact.