Hear the new Ryche song


Demons Will Fly
Oct 18, 2004
Canada, eh

Initial impression is it's not half-bad. Would be one best songs on Hear in the Now or Q2K, but I can also hear some upbeat "Best I Can"-type sound as well. Tate sounds good, solid production, catchy chorus. It's not mindcrime, but it's not "Get a Life" either [Edit: meaning it's not their best, but not their worst either].

Gives me hope for the new record.
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Initial impression is it's not half-bad. Would be one best songs on Hear in the Now or Q2K, but I can also hear some upbeat "Best I Can"-type sound as well. Tate sounds good, solid production, catchy chorus. It's not mindcrime, but it's not "Get a Life" either.

Gives me hope for the new record.

i didn't listen tot it but if its not better than "get a life" not sure if i want to. "spool" and "right side of my mind" were the best tunes from HITNF and Q2K
Other than Hit the Black, that entire record did little for me. A few okay moments, but for my money it was Queensryche's weakest release to date. It was QR trying to be Pearl Jam, and it just didn't work.

hit the black gets so much praise but "spool" was the best tune on the album. i actually think "you", "sign of the times", "saved" and "the voice inside" are better than "hit the black" too
You and Sign were the only other ones I thought were decent. I just listened to Spool to refresh my memory and it's alright, but quickly forgettable.

"spool" was the only tune that felt like something they could have done on previous albums. i do like HITNF though. i take it for what it is. a modern rock album with very sterile production which is what the title and cover let you know it is
I love HITNF, really except for Hit The Black & Anytime Anywhere. I can't get enough of tracks 4-11 and spOOL, though I don't "hate" tracks 1-3. Always loved Reach and Miles Away...and All I Want. :worship:

Only heard it once, but the new song is good. Couldn't really gauge the production....kind of muffled a little and the mp3 had too much bass overall.
samples of each tune. sound pretty interesting to me:
Heard the samples this morning. I'm rather iffy about this one. Song titles are stupid, and only maybe half of the tunes did I go " that was cool." or "interesting melody." I'm willing to give it a shot (hell, it took months for me to warm up to pland & tribe), but I really hope my initial impressions are wrong.
Heard the samples this morning. I'm rather iffy about this one. Song titles are stupid, and only maybe half of the tunes did I go " that was cool." or "interesting melody." I'm willing to give it a shot (hell, it took months for me to warm up to pland & tribe), but I really hope my initial impressions are wrong.

Also heard the samples today and to be honest most hope I had that the band would provide a return to form on this album are almost dashed. Not real good IMO. Will reserve judgement until I hear the full songs I guess...
i enjoyed more than half but its hard to judge a 4-6 minute tune with a 30 second sample. it sounded just like tate described it though. a very modern sounding album. at least its heavier and more rockin than the last few efforts.
Yugh, gave it two more listens through, and I'm really not feeling it. Get Started is a good song, but beyond 2-3 others, I'm not hearing Queensryche. And I don't just mean "it doesn't sound like Mindcrime, whine!". I mean I'm hearing an alt. rock band with Geoff Tate singing trying to do R&B tunes. Where are the "Queensryche chords" from the guitars?

I really hope they released the weakest part of each song to Amazon. I want to like this record, but something tells me time would be better spent with the new Wolf disc.