Hear the new Ryche song

Yugh, gave it two more listens through, and I'm really not feeling it. Get Started is a good song, but beyond 2-3 others, I'm not hearing Queensryche. And I don't just mean "it doesn't sound like Mindcrime, whine!". I mean I'm hearing an alt. rock band with Geoff Tate singing trying to do R&B tunes. Where are the "Queensryche chords" from the guitars?

I really hope they released the weakest part of each song to Amazon. I want to like this record, but something tells me time would be better spent with the new Wolf disc.

what sucks is at least 4 tunes at the sample is fading out you can clearly hear something else starting up
Mmm I don't hear the mix between rage for order and empire (as indicated by the band members) yet.
Mmm I don't hear the mix between rage for order and empire (as indicated by the band members) yet.

that statement simply means the album is very commercial yet has a lot of layers and textures to each song. didn't mean the sound was similar to those albums
Around the World seems alright, but as one commenter put it: It's a good song, for U2. Again, hearing very few Queensryche chords and the melodies that make Queensryche, well, Queensryche.

Seems very likely we're going to be getting Dedicated to Q2K.
Around the World seems alright, but as one commenter put it: It's a good song, for U2. Again, hearing very few Queensryche chords and the melodies that make Queensryche, well, Queensryche.

Seems very likely we're going to be getting Dedicated to Q2K.

another new tune has leaked. the music seems really intersting but the lyrics are really bad:
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Spent the last few hours digesting the new album via a leaked copy. I've already pre-ordered the record, so I feel, why not?

Initial thoughts: It's not as terrible as I expected, but it's faaar from being on par with anything they've done pre-1994. Fine. That's been a given for a while. I really liked their last 3 albums of original material. This unfortunately doesn't live up.

This album sounds like Q2K pt. 2. A few pretty good songs with some nods to the glory days of the mighty ryche. However, there are a number of forgettable songs, even after nearly 3 listens. Production is good, performance is okay...

However, as you might have guessed from the abysmal guitar solo on Get Started (if you've heard it), the solos are pretty weak for the entire record. They sound like the guitar solos I wrote when I was 14. Just sliding all over one string. Did Michael Wilton even show up when they recorded it? A pity, considering I felt the guitar solos on American Soldier really elevated that record to being more than just average.

All in all, I'm left feeling disappointed. By now, I know what to expect, and I've made amends with most of their post-Promised Land material, but this just seems like a step backward. On second thought, with the exception of a few songs, it's more like Geoff Tate's solo album pt. 2.

Best songs so far: Get Started, At the Edge, Hot Spot Junkie
yeah i listened to a leaked copy. do you have the full 16 track version of the standard version? i've heard all 16 tracks and i must say this album is not as bad as i thought it would be after hearing "wot we do" and "got it bad". i was really worried and ready to cry. oddly those were the worst 2 songs on the album. usually when something leaks onto youtube its not the worst material but the best or at least semi-best material on the album. i was very happy to hear that the album was better than those 2 stinkers
This is very bland music. This isn't horrible or good, but this I do know it's not what I want a Queensryche album to sound like. This is a set backward from the mixed bag that was American Soldier. They'll be a Rockfest that I'll be at in August. I think I'll stick to seeing them live from here forward and skip their new music alltogether. I won't bee seeing them three times like I did on the last tour either!
This is very bland music. This isn't horrible or good, but this I do know it's not what I want a Queensryche album to sound like. This is a set backward from the mixed bag that was American Soldier. They'll be a Rockfest that I'll be at in August. I think I'll stick to seeing them live from here forward and skip their new music alltogether. I won't bee seeing them three times like I did on the last tour either!

well the guys are in their mid 50's now. i just don't think an album of heavy music is possible anymore.

anyways the setlists this year have been killer. you should see them as much as you can

edit: just looked it up. they are a lot younger than a thought with tate the oldest at 52
Exactly sums up my feelings on the new record. Some of it is starting to grow on me, but beyond the songs that stick out, I can't imagine this becoming a favorite later on the way Tribe and Promised did.

Promised Land was a good album for the time, even American Soldier had songs that really grabbed you but these just didn't move me. We'll see how this does for them.
listened to it 3 times on my good system. great album if you want to hear QR meets early peter gabriel. they are 2-3 songs that were just horrid though and a few that weren't memorable but weren't bad. other than that very surprised how good it sounds on a real system. Tate's voice is too loud in the mix though