hearse looks like an angel!

definately, it says in the "register for UM" section: "do you swear you'll love Hearse, the whole Hearse and nothing but Hearse, so help you God?"
I do. did. :guh:
Caelestia said:
hearse? who's this hearse person? :u-huh:

never heard of him...


thissss... :hypno:
thats you? sorry boss, everybody else might think theyre beautiful but that color blue eyes allways freaks me out-they look like alien eyeballs!

i like eyes the same color as mine-bloodshot!:loco:
one of the managers at a place i used to work got way to blue contact lenses, and he was a black guy. it looked weirder than shit! first time he said something to me i looked up and saw them bright blue eyeballs popping out and i sat there and stuttered trying to act like it didnt look weird and embaressed the hell out of both of us:loco:
Hmm...No offence, but I'm pretty sure that's an Emu. They are darker.
Ostrich look more bald.

Emu's are more hairy looking:)

EDIT: Okay so the pictures don't work but do a Google Image Search and you will see.:Spin: I like birdies.
this is a female ostrich, and I call her Kirk out of pure love. better male than female... (I have a poster actually where more shows, soo...)
Tee said:
this is a female ostrich, and I call her Kirk out of pure love. better male than female... (I have a poster actually where more shows, soo...)

Sorry to shatter your Illusion Tee, But


Thats a female Ostrich


You have Emu.