Heart palps! Heeelp!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
I'm having those evil heart palps again, and they're freaking me out. I'm feeling my pulse, and when I have them, I either have triplet beats or my heart just kinda stops for a second (giving me this sudden sinking feeling in my chest). :(
It seems like it gets worse when I exhale completely.

I'm posting this in the hopes that other peoples here have a similar problem and somewhat know it's source...because I have NO fucking clue as to what is causing this. This was totally out of the blue, and I need to figure out what causes them. It could be stress...maybe. But I wasn't stressed, so that doesn't make much sense. I haven't had any caffeine or much sugar, either.

And yea, the hospital here is as clueless as I am. I dealt with this and all of that EKG crap last year, and the testing turned out to be a huge waste of my time and money...they knew about as much as I did..basically nothing :erk:

It's even worse this time because I am completely alone...I'm fairly certain nothing bad will happen, but I'm still pretty, uhm....scared?
I'm talking to my mom on the phone...it's helping a lot
what a fucked up day
he doesn't live with me anymore.

He moved back to Ukiah over 6 months ago. It really sucks
Uhm...he found a better paying job with insurance benefits...and he really didn't like Arcata.
And yea, the hospital here is as clueless as I am. I dealt with this and all of that EKG crap last year, and the testing turned out to be a huge waste of my time and money...they knew about as much as I did..basically nothing :erk:

It is probably because the EKG should be done in that exactlly moment when you have the heart rethm disorders. If it's done when you are alright it won't tell anything. A lot of rithm abnormalities are very common and often not noticed - and don't mean nothing. If you don't have the pains, it's alright. I think you should get a second opinion though.
A second opinion might be just the trick to get new/ different advice or information about your health status.
I can only advice you to listen to your body and not to neglect it's symptoms. Stay strong.
I get them plenty, and I'm in damn good shape. Nothing to worry about in my experience, despite being horrible experiences while they last.

Feel better pretty painter lady! :wave:
meep! i'll get those feelings of i guess heart stopping, you feel like there's nothing inn your chest and all. dunno if that's the same thing, but they're very concerning. hopefully it's nothing major and you're okay, though.

(sorry about you rattie :( )
Thanks, Laura, Derek, Iris, Vera and everyone for the feedback...

The feeling I have is similar to the feeling you get when you have a sudden adrenaline rush, except it's in your heart. It's this weird falling feeling.

and thanks for the advice, everybody....I know you're urging me to visit ze doctor, but I can't afford it. The bills at the ER last year almost killed me :erk:

When I had these problems last year, the EKG tests (I had 2) picked up some of the palps, but they didn't come up with anything conclusive. They told me I do have Sinus Arrythmia (where I can kinda briefly stop my heartbeat when I breathe in deeply), but I've had that my whole life....it was a different thing from the heart palps entirely. They still don't know why I had them, besides the fact that I was overly stressed. Heh, I quit my job not too long after that. Probably one of the smartest things I did last year :p

Btw, I found my rattie like that right after I posted this thread..it really topped everything off. I think her tank mate bit her in the eye, which probably killed her from shock alone. :(

Here are a few pictures of Nibbles. I only have baby pics of her. The rest of her photos somehow got deleted....probably when my motherboard died

I get them every few days. When I get them all I do is inhale as fast as possible, and it disappears. I've been told its a hereditary thing, because my grandmother gets them.

The doctors also caught one on the EKG I took, and I was told it was just my heart rotating(?) which is called an Apex Beat.

A second doctor just said my heart disliked the amount of oxygen it was getting due to a problem with my nose.

Its nice when doctors know what they're talking about.
