

i ħ ∂/∂t |ψ(t)› = Ĥ|ψ(t)›
Nov 18, 2005
hey.. i just wanted to tell you, that you're on the right way man
Latest Reputation Received
My Apology.. November 13th, 2006 11:37 PM
=D And you my friend are gayer than three guys fucking with a fourth watching and jerking off to it on the side, lol - cheers, heartless XD =P

was actually funny. continue that way man ;)

fuck that Heartless_Fag. he's on my ignore list so i can't read any of his posts anyway..hahhaha....man, let me tell you, it's so much better this way. cuz that fag posts like every 5 minutes, and honestly, reading his posts are A BIG WASTE OF TIME. he's just so fuckin annoying!! you know? anyway, yeah....fuck him.
hey.. i just wanted to tell you, that you're on the right way man
Latest Reputation Received
My Apology.. November 13th, 2006 11:37 PM
=D And you my friend are gayer than three guys fucking with a fourth watching and jerking off to it on the side, lol - cheers, heartless XD =P

was actually funny. continue that way man ;)


I second what Homer said.... :)

(we like you, Heartless guy! :kickass: )
For a guy who calls himself Heartless he's trying to show alot of heart, what's with that? If I may be blunt, it just seems like more hypocrisy to me.
hey.. i just wanted to tell you, that you're on the right way man
Latest Reputation Received
My Apology.. November 13th, 2006 11:37 PM
=D And you my friend are gayer than three guys fucking with a fourth watching and jerking off to it on the side, lol - cheers, heartless XD =P

was actually funny. continue that way man ;)

lol, well I'm glad you enjoyed it... :lol: And thanks for your praise, I have been behaving more on the board and just for everyone else, who thinks I'm being unneccesarily mean with the rep I gave him, he gave me rep saying:

"November 13th, 2006 02:21 PM you are gayer than two guys fucking.. cheers, homer"

So it's kind a like a little inside joke bewteen us, in a way sorta. :)

p.s. I'm the one who got Webmaster to update the site :) I'm useful too

fuck that Heartless_Fag. he's on my ignore list so i can't read any of his posts anyway..hahhaha....man, let me tell you, it's so much better this way. cuz that fag posts like every 5 minutes, and honestly, reading his posts are A BIG WASTE OF TIME. he's just so fuckin annoying!! you know? anyway, yeah....fuck him.
Ok... :erk: Such hate :lol:
┼Victim of the Night┼;5592893 said:
I second what Homer said.... :)

(we like you, Heartless guy! :kickass: )
Aw, thanks! :) We all like you too!!
Heartless seems like a descent fellow, I like him, wonder if he got a sister?
Thanks for your comment, I don't know whether to be complimented or what :lol: I'll just take it as a compliment :) so thank you
For a guy who calls himself Heartless he's trying to show alot of heart, what's with that? If I may be blunt, it just seems like more hypocrisy to me.
Um ok... I'd say a bigger form of hypocrisy would be joining a community to insult everyone, call them ugly and disgusting, and criticize them and their music, then turn around and try and be friendly and act like it never happened.. :lol: .. but you know that's just me.

(As far as I'm concerned, you and your 'sister', if she even exists and you're not just the same person with extreme mental issues, can just leave me alone. I have a sharp tongue and a quick wit, and eventhough I could say so many things, it's just not fair to everyone to witness such pointless arguments. So do as your 'sister' has done, and put me on ignore... people like you and Nikotiini just need to stop provoking me :lol: I'm trying to make my presence a good one now, so don't hate me just because I caught you doing so dumb shit :lol: )
Um ok... I'd say a bigger form of hypocrisy would be joining a community to insult everyone, call them ugly and disgusting, and criticize them and their music, then turn around and try and be friendly and act like it never happened.. :lol: .. but you know that's just me.

Yes, yes, yes... this is simply the right way to talk... perfect words.

(I'd give you another +rep.... but this forum doesn't allow me... I hate it!!! :mad:)
fuck that Heartless_Fag. he's on my ignore list so i can't read any of his posts anyway..hahhaha....man, let me tell you, it's so much better this way. cuz that fag posts like every 5 minutes, and honestly, reading his posts are A BIG WASTE OF TIME. he's just so fuckin annoying!! you know? anyway, yeah....fuck him.

For a guy who calls himself Heartless he's trying to show alot of heart, what's with that? If I may be blunt, it just seems like more hypocrisy to me.

no more bots, thank you.
Actually he does seem like a cool guy :)
Thanks, I appreciate yer kind words :) You sound a bit surprised that I am but I can understand that :lol:
┼Victim of the Night┼;5593859 said:
Yes, yes, yes... this is simply the right way to talk... perfect words.
Hehe, thanks, again :) I'm glad my comment met yer standards of approval :) If it makes you happy then it's a good thing!
he doesn't seem too bad now
:( I don't seem "too bad" now... :cry: that's not nice :(... :p Aw well yer entitled to yer opinion, and I get why you'd say that so it's fine.
Fuck off. Heartless pwn.
Thanks, so do you!!! :headbang: :kickass: :kickass:
fuck that Heartless_Fag. he's on my ignore list so i can't read any of his posts anyway..hahhaha....man, let me tell you, it's so much better this way. cuz that fag posts like every 5 minutes, and honestly, reading his posts are A BIG WASTE OF TIME. he's just so fuckin annoying!! you know? anyway, yeah....fuck him.
i <3 you :)

yeah i dont ignore him because i barely visit this place nowadays... we've got a so much better one ;) without him, where he's ip, email and username-banned ;) nikotiini's sig is your friend
i <3 you :)

yeah i dont ignore him because i barely visit this place nowadays... we've got a so much better one ;) without him, where he's ip, email and username-banned ;) nikotiini's sig is your friend

Actually, I'm not email or IP banned... You deleted my account a while back, that's it. I have a new one, but I just don't post there cause it's EXACTLY the same as COB-OT, except with less people and everyone that is a member is a MOD.

But whatever... if you don't like me fine, we don't have to be friends :erk::lol: