Heathen Crusade; Nominations for the band sponsered by RC

Yeah, I like the 2 day set up but knowing money is tight and audiences are thin (*cue fat joke*), I suppose getting it back to HC 1 format may save $.
They almost exchanged blows. If I were a betting man, I'd say Mike would have handled him quite easily, though who knows what sort of VD he would have contracted in the bloody melee?

To sum it, Poodlehead refused to leave the room without Mike giving him a hearty handshake. :lol:

Though he was more of an oddity that provided a brief blimp of entertaining, than he was harmful.

Now Will of the Ancients... Talk about a bunch of cunts. (See attached thread in WoY forum for details)

NM. It was deleted by David Gold. :lol:

:loco: :headbang: