Heavier is not Worse

I always laugh at people saying Russell is singing "harsh" on the new stuff... guys adds some good ole fashioned Halford/Dio-esque grit and its "harsh vocals" ? Throw on some Kreator or Sodom or any death or black metal band THOSE are harsh vocals :lol:
I always laugh at people saying Russell is singing "harsh" on the new stuff... guys adds some good ole fashioned Halford/Dio-esque grit and its "harsh vocals" ? Throw on some Kreator or Sodom or any death or black metal band THOSE are harsh vocals :lol:

Nah, throw some Anaal Nathrakh or Axis Of Perdition for some good measure; I bet some here would shit on their pants :heh:
I think the main reason I didn't like PL much was that it wasn't so progressive. The reason I got into progressive music in the first place was that it was new and exciting. PL isn't so new, which is exactly what they were aiming for (back to their roots). That suits people who really like that style, but not so much for people like me who like to hear new sounds/styles/etc.

So I think its not really possible to please everyone. They made a good album, which I still listen to. "The Odyssey" moments will probably come around once in a band's lifetime. We can't ask for more than that.
Throw on some Kreator or Sodom or any death or black metal band THOSE are harsh vocals :lol:

Nah, throw some Anaal Nathrakh or Axis Of Perdition for some good measure; I bet some here would shit on their pants :heh:

:lol: Those guys are pussies. Put some *insert random death metal band here* or *insert random black metal band here* vocals over it and Symphony X fans worldwide will spontaneously combust.
:lol: Those guys are pussies. Put some *insert random death metal band here* or *insert random black metal band here* vocals over it and Symphony X fans worldwide will spontaneously combust.

Well, I think Tom Angelripper from Sodom's got a pretty vicious sounding voice, moreso than a lot of death or black vocalists, although keep in mind that early Sodom is considered 80's black metal.


He's definitely one of my very favorite "harsh" vocalists.
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:lol: Doubt you'll find anything with harsher vocals than Axis or Anaal, though (both are industrial black metal acts).

I didn't check Axis yet, but I just listened to Anaal and IMO that shit doesn't count. If you took the distortion and effects off of his voice he wouldn't sound anything near like that. I like harsh vocalists who don't need effects to get their sound.
I didn't check Axis yet, but I just listened to Anaal and IMO that shit doesn't count. If you took the distortion and effects off of his voice he wouldn't sound anything near like that. I like harsh vocalists who don't need effects to get their sound.

What record did you listened to? The Codex Necro? if that's so he uses a hell lot of distortion on that one. On Hell is Empty he toned down his use of distortion (though he still uses it).
My favorite "harsh" vocals;

He sounds genuinely psychotic.

Much different from how he sounds on later albums.

The later also being the best death metal song ever.
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BTW, just read a new interview w/ mike pinella (check on google, I don't have link) and he said that we could expect the DVD sometime next year, but if it were to happen the next record would take more time to release. He's also thinking of his next solo album, this time w "REAL" guitar bass and drums. Seems pretty cool, so I thought I'd post it.
on track - @ ken, it's not symx getting more 'metal' that's a prob for me, it's that i feel that the quality of russ' more aggressive voice is not nearly as good as his 'cleaner' voice, and it's a disappointment.. but in all, whatever, who cares, i barely even listen to them anymore.. but when i do listen to them, it's the old albums i stick to.. i'm not too fussed with their latest stuff personally.
BTW, just read a new interview w/ mike pinella (check on google, I don't have link) and he said that we could expect the DVD sometime next year, but if it were to happen the next record would take more time to release. He's also thinking of his next solo album, this time w "REAL" guitar bass and drums. Seems pretty cool, so I thought I'd post it.

Sweet!... on both counts. I love Pinnella's first album. A second one with real "backup" instruments will truly be awesome. Sucks that I'll have to wait longer for a new SX album, 'cause another SX album would be fuckin' nice, but I want a live DVD really badly...
I love the Odyssey, it's one of my favorite Symphony X albums. Not their strongest I don't think but a very good album overall. To be honest I think Twilight in Olympus is their weakest and worst album by far. Odyssey has many more memorable moments to me and is just a rockin' hard ass metal album.

As well as the harsh vocals? I love it just as much as the cleaner vocals Russell puts into their songs.
I always laugh at people saying Russell is singing "harsh" on the new stuff... guys adds some good ole fashioned Halford/Dio-esque grit and its "harsh vocals" ? Throw on some Kreator or Sodom or any death or black metal band THOSE are harsh vocals :lol:
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't criticizing his vocals. He's a great singer with incredible range and power, other singers probably drool when then hear him sing. And I am familiar with death metal vocals, and Russ sings nothing like that. But if you listen to, say, Accolade 2, and then listen to Wicked (on the same album), what other word would you use to describe the vocal style on Wicked, other than harsh? I don't mean harsh in a bad way, but I don't know how else you would describe it.
I think calling them harsh or rough vocals (at least when comparing them to Accolade II, Communion, etc) works. King of Terrors and Domination, for example, have "rough" vocals. No, they're not death/black metal growls with lyrics you can't understand, but that's okay. Symphony X with growlies would NOT be cool.