Heaviest Song

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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I know I am new to this, and I ask alot of tired quetions, but I have never seen so many Anthrax fans and it makes me all warm inside. Up here in Minnesota you do not hear much of them. Anyways I like to see what other people like about Anthrax, so here go's. What do you think is there Heaviest song. I would have to say In A Zone. That is a heavy riff in that song and every time it get's to the Bridge in the song, I imagine myself on stage playing that and looking out to thousands of people getting into it. That is my vote, lets hear what you guy's got!
"Inside Out" is slow but goddamn, mother f'in hell that song is heavy!!!! I swear I feel like putting a brick on the gas pedal and climbing on the top of my truck going 90 mph down the road so I can scream at everyone when that song starts!!!

Also "Random Acts of Senseless Violence"......the guitar at the beginning make my ears bleed......I love it!!!!
Holy Toledo....I haven't listened to that one in awhile. What an awesome fucking song. Even Danny sounds good on that one. What's this song about, anyhoo?

I'll go along with This is Not an Exit, and would also like to add Intro to Reality/Belly of the Beast...

INVISIBLE off of SOWN is sooooooo heavy. I mean to quote AUGDAWG2 "SHIT MANG!"..THE WORDS...." STRUGGLING, to come to terms with this GOD AWEFUL life that I live!" those words alone make me want to break shit like a motherfucker! They hit a lot of my personal feeling on the head. Plus the ending....how it grinds itself to a halt is just BRUTAL! One of the sickest songs ever.:devil:
To me that was the pinnacle of "THRASH" metal. Everything's awesome except for Joey singing on it. He's OK but Bush would have made it really heavy. I wish Anthrax would rerecord some Joey era stuff with Bush the way Maiden's rerecorded Paul Dianno stuff with Bruce.
I would say "Discharge", or maybe "Born Again Idiot", but at the other hand, isn´t "Startin´Up A Posse" or "NFB" pretty heavy as well ? (no it´s not about guitar distortion, but about meaning)How about the fastest double bass? "Skeletons In The Closet"? "Gung-Ho"?
Maybe we should define what 'heavy' means. I wouldn't consider NFB nor Startin' Up A Posse to be heavy at all. If you apply it to meaning, than it is something deep or profound, as in the way Marty McFly used the term 'heavy' in Back To The Future.

'Whoa. This is heavy...'

I would say that asking what the heaviest song is has more to do with the feel of the music. When I think of the heaviest song, I'm looking for that thick, trudge riff. The kind that makes you nod your head by the sheer weight of it.


That's heavy...


ps-which Anthrax song do you think has the 'heaviest' lyrics (as in deep or profound)?

Brent and bRaT- I wish they'd rerecord all of P.O.T. That would be cool. I think that whole album was meant for Bush's vocals.
Those are all from 2000. They played a few HOB's on this tour, they should have recorded something and made it more recent, ESPECIALLY with everyone dying to hear Superhero (BECAUSE SOME OF US AREN'T AS COOL AS GREG AND WE DIDN'T GET TO HEAR IT LIVE!!!!!!!!)