Heavy Metal will be blamed again!!!

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
:mad:I don't know if any of you caught it on the news(and it's going to get major national attention) Earlier this week in the bay area(where I live)a high profile attorney's wife was bludgeoned to death & no one knew why.Well yesterday a suspect was taken into custody.The suspect is a 16 year old kid who was trying to run a marijuana growing ring using stolen credit card numbers & apparently he tried to intercept an order he made wich went to this attorney's address where he was caught by the wife sneaking on the property where the struggle broke out & the kid killed her by beating her in the head with a heavy object.
Turns out this kid is a goth with long stringy dyed jet black hair,eye make up,silver rings black clothing,trench coat etc. and even carved a gothic symbol into the victim's back.
There was a big story in the local paper today about how this kid was an outcast freak,read the satanic bible(wich preaches against killing ironicly)was really into bizare art & poetry etc.Never mind all the personal tragedies of his sister dying in a car wreck 2 years ago,the crummy neighborhood he lived with his mom in, or his parents' recent divorce.
You know the fucking media is going to once again blame it on music!Goth,Metal,Punk and any freaky subculture with a dark theme is going to come under fire and be held responsible once again!
It's a Columbine revisited(this kid also wore a black trench coat)!Like the West Memphis 3 or the tragic killing of Dimebag Darrel last year I can see the headlines all ready & the religious groups lining up to ban all those genres of music as the sole reason tragedies like this happen!
I'm sure most of you heard also here in S.F. a woman stripped her 3 small children naked & threw them off the peir into the bay.She was mentally ill the media is saying(no Really?) but that's going to be accepted ,while because this punk who killed that dude's wife dresses freaky & is into dark themes he's going to be the new poster child of the stereo type that everyone into dark subcultures is a dangerous threat to human kind!
There's stories of suicides & murders in the paper everyday over drug related stuff & pointless stuff & usuallly those are "Normal" looking people who aren't veiwed as "Freaks" so all that paranoia and hysteria wont come in to play.
That woman who just drowned her kids will fade from the public eye in the next week or so but this Goth kid will be headline news for the next year or so!Makes me sick!!!:puke:
I hate it when people blame music for this kind of thing. It's like a while back this 16 year old boy Luke Mitchell killed his girlfriend after supposedly seeing the same thing on a Marliyn Manson dvd. Now I hate Marliyn Manson with a passion but in no way was the sole reason that he killed his girlfriend. It always makes me think back to the line from Scream, "Movies don't create psychos, movies make psycho's more creative." That line is so true cos I think you have to have something wrong in the head to start with otherwise there's be many more murderers than there is now.
Very True!Sure enough last night I saw on the news(Pat O'reilly to be precise)& someone asked wasn't the fact that this kid dressed all goth & read the satanic bible a warning sign he was about to kill someone??
Fuck,last year a woman drowned her babies in a bathtub because she said God told her to.Do they blame "God" or reading the bible??HELL NO!She got off on an insanity plea & usually people who do religious faith based crimes are dismissed as "crazies". If this woman had tattoos & a Marilyn Manson shirt,they'd read way more into that than any of the real factors.One of the sad truths about the American media machine!:mad:
Actually I saw a story about this ther other day on the news and they had an "expert" on kids and goth, etc. He said it was not about the kid's lifestyle and the music he listened it was about the bad events that happend to him and his inability to deal with them in a healthy manner. That was refreshing....
How i look at this is, in R&B people get obsesed with the getto and start little gangs that own guns and blow the shit out of each other, it gets on my tits that metal gets blammed,

Nick Brookes said:
How i look at this is, in R&B people get obsesed with the getto and start little gangs that own guns and blow the shit out of each other, it gets on my tits that metal gets blammed,


So right, they try to look like they just killed someone, graduated and went to prison and put on the hardened convict look, and they celebrate evil with every word, but then if you play a guitar, they say you look like SATAN!, or they’re just pissed that you can’t play as good as they do…,hee,hee, yea it’s funny to be looking at these white gang banger types; they think they deserve to be on the front page of a major metropolitan news paper or something for acting like rapping gang-banger…heee, hee, oh I laugh at that kind of Evil.
Did you see those "50-sent" movie billboards near Los Angeles-area schools, yea the evil one has a pistol in the left hand pointed at your face and a shotgun in the right hand, and like "oh I'm big man, and ready to loot!”, Yea then these mediocre minds in the white middle class who don’t pay any attention to what’s really going on, think oh RAP is just POP music, but Iron Maiden is DEVIL MUSIC! What a bunch of morons… I wonder how may murders they will commit today, while they put this other guy on national TV and relentlessly create a huge controversy while ignoring true evil in our society and call it “Expression”, morons all!
Nick Brookes said:
How i look at this is, in R&B people get obsesed with the getto and start little gangs that own guns and blow the shit out of each other, it gets on my tits that metal gets blammed,


Ah R&B is Rhythm and Blues Not Rap and Bitch. How the music industry can classify that crap as R&B is beyond me.
But any way It's ain't the music Hell with all the death metal I've listened to over the years I should be doing life and my family should be dead as least by their reasoning.
Kerry said:
Ah R&B is Rhythm and Blues Not Rap and Bitch. How the music industry can classify that crap as R&B is beyond me.
But any way It's ain't the music Hell with all the death metal I've listened to over the years I should be doing life and my family should be dead as least by their reasoning.

You listen to Death Metal? Sorry to hear that, I listen to music myself, hard rock to be precise...
those like things happening in Türkiye too... And those judgements too, of course... Hate'em... i remember some time ago i wathced in news that saying "if your child listens to led zeppelin, then you can make sure that he is a satanist"... so funny :)
Nobody blames heavy metal for murders or suicide anymore, that boat sailed long ago with a fine mullet-sporting crew. Heavy metal as scapegoat=OUT,
Blame the parents=IN.