Danny rctv Girl Band Geek! May 22, 2002 823 1 18 58 San Francisco www.realitychecktv.com Apr 2, 2009 #1 MY damn internet has been shut off for the last 2 months! I finally got it together and am back! Friggin' You Tube deleted my TV show's page (apparently a girl being spanked was too much!) so I have to start all over again!How is everyone?
MY damn internet has been shut off for the last 2 months! I finally got it together and am back! Friggin' You Tube deleted my TV show's page (apparently a girl being spanked was too much!) so I have to start all over again!How is everyone?
A7 Live to Win Feb 9, 2008 1,230 0 36 Makati, Philippines www.myspace.com Apr 3, 2009 #2 Welcome back, Danny!
Metallicat180 Rockstar-In-Training Apr 19, 2004 4,722 10 38 40 Checking into the Psycho Motel...Crieff, Scotland www.facebook.com Apr 3, 2009 #3 Welcome back!! I would crack up without my internet. I'm such an addict!!
Danny rctv Girl Band Geek! May 22, 2002 823 1 18 58 San Francisco www.realitychecktv.com Apr 3, 2009 #4 Metallicat180 said: Welcome back!! I would crack up without my internet. I'm such an addict!! Click to expand... I practically did! Luckily there is an internet cafe up the street which I used only to check e-mails but it's been rough not having it!
Metallicat180 said: Welcome back!! I would crack up without my internet. I'm such an addict!! Click to expand... I practically did! Luckily there is an internet cafe up the street which I used only to check e-mails but it's been rough not having it!