Hellhammer drumming on new Dimmu album..

Jun 25, 2004
For the ones who like Dimmu and if it hasnt been discussed yet.. HellHammer will be a session drummer for Dimmu's new album... also they are rerecording Stormblast...
Hellhammer? Hmm... I don't really know if I should be happy or pissed, I don't really care about this particular drummer. About the rerecording of Stormblast, I think they are doing a mistake, because it can't really get any better.
Hellhammer has not played drums on anything good besides De Mysteriis and Antestor's new album The Forsaken. I take it this new Dimmu will suck too, even though I don't find their latest albums too insufferable.
anonymousnick2001 said:
Uhhh...Winds, anyone? Arcturus? No? Fuck you then.

add AGE OF SILENCE onto that list.

he is a brilliant drummer. much more than a blasturbation drummer
ænimated said:
A bigger balance in their bank account?
For those who don't know, this is it: They don't get royalties or whatever for the old release so they'll just make another, and they claim they will make it as close to the original as possible
Décadent said:
You people do realize that Hellhammer works for a living? There's fuck all money in black metal, no matter what people say.

i wish more people realized this.
I have not heard 'Stormblast' but how do you know they are not re-recording it because they like the material and want better sound. Why does someone have to be accomplishing something. Why can't they just fucking do it because it's something to do. Why do people have to be negative all the time. They wrote the music, you really have no idea behind a motive behind why they are doing it. If you were right and they admitted who gives a shit. They wrote it so they can do whatever they want. Maybe Hellhammer really like newer Dimmu Borgir, wants to play for reasons of liking it. Why does there have to be another reason all the time. What wrong with someone doing things. Fuck rules,kyvtness and a bunch of shit. Metalheads complain everyone else is closeminded but it's usually you who sets up walls and a bunch of bounderies.

If somone put money in your hand and gave you a deal you'd be kissing labels asses. It does not mean all your motives would revolve around it.
I'll go a stage further from The Greys' post and say a mere "who fucking cares about Dimmu Borgir or Hellhammer, they both suck ass, stop talking about them".