Hellhammer drumming on new Dimmu album..

Maybe for some reason they want their "untr00" fans to get into "real" bm, so they are re-recording the old. The fans will be more willing to buy something new than some old album.

(I don't believe this, I'm just throwing it out there)
"They don't get royalties or whatever for the old release so they'll just make another, and they claim they will make it as close to the original as possible."

There is your answer. They want to make some money on the album since it looks like they didn't the first time around. I've got no problem with this. Artists should get paid for their art. And while a better sound is nice, it's just icing on the cake for the real reason for re-releasing the album; to make some cash.
:lol: at people that listen to Dimmu Borgir. And come on people, Winds fucking sucks, and so does The Sham Mirrors. Fucking Hellhammer. Motherfucker would probably do drums for SHadow of Death if he thought it'd put coin in his pocket.
Isn't the objective of "making a living" making money? I'm not too happy about the stuff Dimmu Borgir puts out, especially the newer but I'm sure they're not exactly lining their pockets with gold, and believe it or not, money is needed to buy food, pay the rent, car insurance, etc. Can you honestly say you wouldn't do the same thing if given the oppurtunity?

Also, personally I would be happy if a lot of bands re-recorded their older albums because the sound quality on older work isn't always so great. If they're making minimal changes to an album what's the big deal with re-recording an album? If they barely made any money the first time around what's the big deal with re-recording virtually the same album and making a little extra cash off of it?
AsModEe said:
Hellhammer? Hmm... I don't really know if I should be happy or pissed, I don't really care about this particular drummer. About the rerecording of Stormblast, I think they are doing a mistake, because it can't really get any better.
I think it is good idea overall, Dimmu has more skilled musicians now with Galder, Hellhammer etc plus there will be larger budget and better recording studio to do the album as Shagrath really wanted with less compromise, better sound etc.

Also Shagrath would be wise to include some additional tracks or even add "devils path EP" as bonus tracks to original album. I would also prefer redesign of artwork for CD cover which was too dark and had little impact.
will someone please tell me whats wrong with recieving money for your product?! they spent days in the studio and months on tour promoting the album. you would think that they are entitled to a fraction of the sales.

its not that theyre trying to be rich, its just a small reward for a job well done. and i dont mean that as saying the album is good or bad
So I guess I have to hurry up and buy Stormblast before the original version is out of print...

I can sympathize with Dimmu getting ripped off for Stormblast, they deserve to get paid for that album, but unfortunatley the product that will result from this situation will be a recording that will ineviabley lack something the original had...
crimsonfloyd said:
So I guess I have to hurry up and buy Stormblast before the original version is out of print...

I can sympathize with Dimmu getting ripped off for Stormblast, they deserve to get paid for that album, but unfortunatley the product that will result from this situation will be a recording that will ineviabley lack something the original had...
Why does everyone think reissue will be worse and not an improvement?
I have every reason to believe Shagrath can improve upon original Stormblast.
Necros said:
Why does everyone think reissue will be worse and not an improvement?
I have every reason to believe Shagrath can improve upon original Stormblast.

That's because Stormblast was the worst album ever made....

He couldn't possibly make it any worse.
Erik said:
What makes you think it will?

1. Label #1 sells original version of Stormblåst (with proper legal rights to do that,) makes much cash without paying the band any of it
2. Label #2 releases new version of album, band makes money off that

Trust me, Label #1 will continue pressing "Stormblåst" as long as there's demand for it.

True, I was thinking Dimmu for some reason had the power to stop the label from continuing to reprint the album, but on second thought it makes no sense they would have such power if they're not even getting royalities.
Necros said:
Why does everyone think reissue will be worse and not an improvement?
I have every reason to believe Shagrath can improve upon original Stormblast.

Well the style plays with now doesn't really compliment their old sound very well. Even if they do their best to make it sound like the originial it will be rather futile cuz certain intangables just can't be recreated- as well as for straight forward stuff- such as the major change in the Shagarth's vocal style...