Hello all of you

Nov 5, 2003
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Hi I just registered as if that wasn't obvious! How are all of you?

I just wanted to say I am a new fan of Vintersorg and I am completely amazed. I randomly ordered two CDs without ever hearing any of the music before, and lets just say I was not dissappointed! I popped in Cosmic Genesis on my stereo and by the time it was through playing I was in awe! Somehow I knew by reading the descriptions of the music I would like it though. :)

Ok well talk ya'll later!

I´m fine thank you

I randomly ordered two CDs without ever hearing any of the music before,
Somehow I knew by reading the descriptions of the music I would like it
sometimes I do that and the result can be utterly boring or astonishing!
Moonsorrow are examples of the later
A few years ago I bought Naglfar - Vittra just because it had cool artwork/logo and the band name...it changed my musical world.

Anyway, glad to hear you're a Vintersorg fan now!
Early Vintersorg is much better than later, maybe not technically more advanced and bla bla bla but in my opinion it has more of the northen feeling which is what I want from Vintersorg. I'm not saying the later albums (Only got CG of the space-ones) suck, they don't but they don't come close to for an example Norrland
The ones I bought were Cosmic Genesis and Odemarkens Son. I really don't know which one I like better. I like both for different reasons I guess you could say. They're both awesome to me.

However I have a totally n00b question so please forgive me: How do you get the 2 dots over letters when typing? I'm from the USA so I don't know.

Edit: never mind my n00b question I figured it out! äåöø YAY!!! :D
Sorath said:
In Sweden we hare åäöÅÄÖ on our keyboards.

I just have to depress the ALT key and type in certain numbers to make the letter.

Example ALT + 0196 gives "Ä"

So what does the Borknagar album Vintersorg sings on sound like? Does he do a lot of growling on there? (I happen to like growling) I've only ever heard one Borknagar song from an old album but I did like it so I will definantly check that out too. I guess I could go through and check old posts for the answers but I hope you guys don't mind my n00b questions! I actually have lots of questions but I will refrain myself!LOL
Divine Shadow said:
So what does the Borknagar album Vintersorg sings on sound like? Does he do a lot of growling on there? !LOL
one of my essential albums! this album can do no wrong! growl/clean =50/50
Djöfull said:
one of my essential albums! this album can do no wrong! growl/clean =50/50


I ordered the Vintersorg CDs from Century Media and they took a whole MONTH just to send my order :rolleyes: . But they gave me 20% off my next order so I guess I'll order the Borknagar and more Vintersorg and wait another month for those! That's what I get for not using the end records I guess.
I have a demo tape from a band called Cosmic Death where Vintersorg is the singer+guitar player. It fucking slays, no clean vox though. Crappy band name also.
His Divine Shadow said:
I ordered the Vintersorg CDs from Century Media and they took a whole MONTH just to send my order :rolleyes: . But they gave me 20% off my next order so I guess I'll order the Borknagar and more Vintersorg and wait another month for those! That's what I get for not using the end records I guess.

Back in the late 90's, that was fast for them... and the cases would be cracked and falling apart, and you wouldn't get 20% off your next order. They're much better now. (still not as good as The End tho... IMHO.

Nile -- In Their Darkened Shrines -- Unas Slayer of the Gods
/* random quote */
A truly wise man never plays leapfrog with a unicorn.
The Nomad said:
Back in the late 90's, that was fast for them... and the cases would be cracked and falling apart, and you wouldn't get 20% off your next order. They're much better now. (still not as good as The End tho... IMHO.

I'm used to CM taking about 2 weeks at the most. I don't know what happened this time. Oh well they can keep taking a month if they keep giving me a discount :D The End rocks tho.

And thank you all for making me feel welcome here. I hate being a noobie in case you haven't noticed!