New in town here. Another Viking to accompany ye at the drinking table. Nothing beats ale and a unhealthy portion of metal - especially not if it's Amon Amarth!
Has anyone heard of Thyrfing? Windir? Einherjer?
Other Viking metal bands to check out. But nothing beats Amon!
Does someone know where to buy amon amarth shirts that is not part of the versus the world collection? I'd love to get my hands on one of those Crusher longsleeves...
So, welcome Arch Amon to the lair and count on me being true to you, Amon Amarth and metal for the rest of my life!
Has anyone heard of Thyrfing? Windir? Einherjer?
Other Viking metal bands to check out. But nothing beats Amon!
Does someone know where to buy amon amarth shirts that is not part of the versus the world collection? I'd love to get my hands on one of those Crusher longsleeves...
So, welcome Arch Amon to the lair and count on me being true to you, Amon Amarth and metal for the rest of my life!