Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Of course congrats to Zsu. I am still job and apt. shuffling myself. Arg, but i will do it. I will not be denied!! BUt at least i got a couple more leads. I get a lead, then another one, chase it, sometimes it dries up, sometimes it leads to another lead. And so on.

My leg is getting better after my incident involving absinthe and some stairs. Did quite a number on it. I had to walk with crutches after a hospital trip. But i had friends looking after me those days and went out of their way.

Finntroll and Norther playing Mar 24th at Nosturi, of course i will be there.

And i am now First Lady of Corner Karaoke...I was the first girl to win the thing! I had to sing Foghat's I just wanna make love to you for my random song...i never heard it in my life but the title alone tells you what i was doing onstage. :D
Hey Talia I have been trying to get in touch with ya for awhile hey pm me yer new cell so i can call ya soon! Im tryin to get over there in 2006 for Tuska! RAWK THA FAWK ON WOAORRGH
dood only reason i ask is cause i had her old one man tryed calling yesterday and it was no longer registered number hahahaha
Yeah, was a toasty -15 or something last night. about -8 now, but thats not so bad. WOrk tonight though, so when i go home, once again, its cold. but the sun is actually out today and here i am with a fairly rotten hangover. have to make up for the fact i am not drinking too much tonight, cos i have to stay up pretty late.

Thursday will be a gas however, its a friends birthday at Corner, followed by karaoke, where im going to get to judge in the competition. :D If i am sober enough.