Hello from fuckin' Hellsinki!!!

Spike said:
Since when was Koskenkorva a Rum? :err: Unless I'm mistlaken, it's much closer to a vodka.

Here's the one and only Koskenkorva - and it's not rum.

If somebody wouldn't know yet, here's a setlist of Tuska 2005 so far:

ACCEPT (ger)
SCARVE (fra)
^ Some (most) of the confirmed Tuska bands are okay but still waiting for bigger and better names. :p
I've seen Testament last summer in Provinssirock and most of those Finnish bands too before so I want bigger foreign bands!
Testament!!!! Oh fuckin A! I saw them a couple times in europe a couple years ago. One of my favorites, i am gonna eat this up! That lineups lookin kickass this year thats for sure.

And thanx for the bday greetings! Yeah, i had a blast. hope to upload the pics soon. Twas a good and wasted weekend, four days in a row. And my bruises are almost gone :p
You should try and make the effort to see Fintroll outside of the Tuska festival too Thomas. Tis worth the effort.
hello again. Well Friday promises to kick much ass...friends housewarming party, and then Ensiferum with a press pass. Whooo! I have a feeling i wont recall too much. Perhaps I will end up with the tiebreaker drinking contest that day(we are one and one). :D I think I can take the big moose one more time for the ultimate drinking victory.

I only have one day working this week tho, sucks. I hope to get more hours next week, I need em. That or my aunts birthday present to come in the mail.
Fenrir13 said:
Oh yeah. I heard there is going to be a large mass of people. I can't wait to see them all fit :D Are you going to the Ensiferum gig as well?

Don't know yet, maybe, depends on my husband and friends where they are going to. I'd like to see "Enska" though..
Hey Talia, what the fuck is up?

I haven't talked to you in like forever.. (A refresher, which still won't help, but I used to talk to you and some on AIM (DeniedByDeath), im good friends with girg (on this messageboard).. And yea, back at the COB show in philly when u did the interview with the band, we saw u on the corner and talked to u for a bit and you're friend.. I dunno haha)..

But yea how is shit going over there? Any luck with the apartments and shit? And how's the weather? Winter sucks ass in PA.
Congratulations Zsusza! You should check out SPUTNIK Bar in Tampere, and maybe Henri's Pub; at least I had a few joyful intoxications there.

How are things with u Tal ?