Hello Nerds

lurch70 said:
no, i don't ... she is just funay ... you guys get pissed over stupid shit easy.
i don't think anyone is pissed, i'm not anyhow. i'm having a ball!

mfj already rated it 1-star though so i can't vote it 5 in hopes for a 3. :(
Another probable reason is that I do have some pride. As in, seeing my boobs is a privilege that not every drooling moron with internet access deserves, UNDERSTAND?;)
lurch70 said:
nad your sig is beginning to make sense just about now
hahahahahahahahahaha nobody has said anything about it yet, but yeah. it's a simpsons reference btw, but so is everything else in my life. :dopey:

i can literally feel myself redfaced with laughter over this thread though, i'm gonna get caught dicking around at work. :Spin:
"after chernobyl, my penis is falling off."
"and penis is russian for...?"

i fucking love that episode.
She got her UM name from what is needed to find her vaginal hole. Clear the shrubs bitch! Or are your legs one of the props used on "Survivor?"?
Lanterns said:
Another probable reason is that I do have some pride. As in, seeing my boobs is a privilege that not every drooling moron with internet access deserves, UNDERSTAND?;)

yeah of course, but i think you got the reaction you wanted/expected (considering how provocative your posts were, eh?)

im just trying to be nice...
fotmbm said:
who else thinks that this one will become permanent and learn to love ELS and Thergothon?

she's going to relocate and move in with someone on this board eventually :loco:

Erik ... he has some space in his shagenwagen
if she likes ELS she can move in with me and we'll bounce off walls until the drugs run out.

i think if erik and i started a newspaper we could take over the world with our headline writing and chart making abilities.