Hello Nerds

cthulufhtagn said:
i think she's kinda hot.... :erk:

the pic, not SIF

look at her face, shes the kind of girl on myspace that takes pics from only above to hide her cellulite and chubby appendages
cthulufhtagn said:
perhaps, but as the pic is i'd smother that in man-gravy

haha i said "man-gravy"

No, I didn't say I wouldnt rape her and spit in her mouth. :) I'm just saying that she's not what she appears to be, aside from bitchy.
cthulufhtagn said:
...i'm totally not gonna let you borrow my 20-sided dice...
bwahaha! no one else thought this was funny but i laughed hard.


god dam nad, thanks for posting a pic of adriana lima, worlds hottest woman. if anyone disagrees, THEY ARE GAY. not that theres anything wrong with that.
E-bortion said:
look at her face, shes the kind of girl on myspace that takes pics from only above to hide her cellulite and chubby appendages

Please refer to my previous post of SIF's.