Hello people!

Emperor Norton

New Metal Member
Nov 21, 2001
by the canal
Visit site
I am the Emperor of the USA!
Anyway, I'm somewhat responsible for that grinning demon known as NoLordy(not the picture), so thank me, or curse me. Being nuts, I wouldn't care :)
As this is a Nevermore board, yes I think they rock.
Hello to everyone, especially the smart ones.
It'll be on all the news channels.
"Two Vikings overthrew President Bush and took control of the United States today, one declared himself emperor, and the other set the MTV Headquarters on fire, in an apparent 'Longboat-Drive-By,' then proceeded to allow only REAL metal music played during TRL. The self proclaimed emperor fired Congress and played Diamond Head's 'Am I Evil' as the new national anthem."

(And Yes I FUCKING am.)