Help choosing Steven Slate Drums


Nov 30, 2009
Lima - Peru
Greetings to all!

I'm about to buy the Steven Slate Drums EX special offer. But for some reason I can't find anywhere a list of the actual drum instruments used in each "preset" like for example in which one of the presets “Kick 10” is used, and so on. There is a section on Stevens Page were it could be listed but that section won't load up in my browser. It would be great if any of you could make a list showing where each drum is contained.
I know it can be quite a job to do that list but, I don't want to choose some of the EX that in the end won't contain some of the kicks, snares and so on, you constantly recommend on the forum.

The Kick 10 is in quite a few kits in Slate Platinum.

Not sure in EX though. I know in Platinum its in the Metal Hybrid Kit

Also keep in mind, Slate drums still need to be EQ'd and set to your taste. Dont expect perfection right out of the box.
Don’t worry, didn't expected it to be so. I just wanted to expand my drums samples library with these ones that are very appropriate for that "modern" metal sound.

So are you saying that for example even if you buy the EX version with all of the expansions, you still won’t have the same as in platinum?
Slate Custom Kit
Slate Custom Snare
Slate Custom Kick
Quick Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
Crash 16
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Dream Kit
Dream Kick
Dream Snare
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 1
Crash 16
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Radio Hit Kit 2
Kick 12
Snare 21
New Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
Crasjh 15
Crash 16

Crisp Rock Kit
Kick 1
Snare 3
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
PaisteSig 18
Crash 16

Perfect Rock Kit
Kick 14
Snare 7
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 1
Crash 15
Paiste Sig 18 Crash

Ballad Kit
AC Kick
Snare 4
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 2
Crash 16
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Greenday Kit
Green Kick
Green Snare
Fat Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
Crash 15
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Reggae Ska Kit
Kick 17
Snare 19
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 1
Ride 2
Crash 15
Crash 17

Fat Radio Rock Kit
Kick 1 A
Snare 11
Birch Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 1
Crash 17
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Radio Rocker Kit
AC Kick
Snare 13
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 1
Ride 2
Crash 15
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Deep Rock Kit
Kick 17
Snare 20
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 1
Crash 17
Crash 15

Modern Rock Kit
Kick 1
Snare 10 A
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 1
Ride 2
Crash 15
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Beefy Dry Kit
Kick 10
Snare 1
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 2
PaisteSig 16 Crash
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Vintage Fatty Kit
Blimp Kick
Snare 8
Never Toms
Hi-Hat 1
Ride 2
Crash 15
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Meat n Potatoes Kit
Kick 14
Snare 14
Fat Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 2
PaisteSig 18 Crash
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Classic Pop Kit
Kick 1
Snare 7
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 1
Ride 2
Crash 15
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Deep Rock Kit 2
Kick 4
Snare 4
Fat Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 1
Crash 15
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Big Fatty Kit
Kick 12
Snare 12 A
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 1
Ride 1
Crash 15
PaisteSig 18 Crash

Black Kit
Black Kick
Black Snare
Metal Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 1
Crash 16
Crash 17

Dry Metal Kit
Kick 5
Snare 15
Metal Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
PaisteSig 16 Crash
Crash 17

Panty Kit
Panty Kick
Panty Snare
New Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 1
Crash 16
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Thick Metal Kit
Kick 15
Snare 22
Metal Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
PaisteSig 16 Crash
Crash 16

Thick Rock Kit
Kick 1 B
Snare 22
New Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 1
PaisteSig 16 Crash
Crash 17

ToneDef Kick
ToneDef Snare
Fat Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 2
Crash 16
Crash 17

Metal Dream Kit
Black Kick
Dream Snare
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 2
Crash 16
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Highway Kit
AC Kick
AC Snare
Birch Toms
Ride 2
Crash 15
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Never Kit
Never Snare
Never Kick
Never Toms
Hi-Hats 3
Ride 2
PaisteSig 16 Crash
BonCrash 18

Tommy Kit
Tommy Kick
Tommy Snare
Birch Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
BonCrash 18
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Chili Kit
Chili Kick
Chili Snare
Birch Toms
Ride 1
Crash 15
PaisteSig 16 Crash

Modern Zep Kit
Blimp Kick
Led Snare
Old Zep Toms A
Ride 1
Crash 15
BonCrash 18

Dan Steel Kit
Dan Kick
Dan Snare
Qik Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
PaisteSig 16 Crash
Crash 15

Angry Rock Kit
Kick 1B
Snare 18
Fat Toms
Hi-Hat 3
Ride 2
PaisteSig 18 Crash
BonCrash 18

Jimmy Kit
Kick 17
Jimmy Snare
Maple Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 1
Crash 15
Crash 17

Step Child Kit
Kick 12
Old Zep Snare
Never Toms
Hi-Hat 2
Ride 2
Crash 16
Crash 17
Thanks Adam! I really appreciate it!

I'll be listening to the samples in the page to choose which one is the right form me, and with this list I hope can have more variety without repeating the same samples over and over again.

WOOT WOOT Super list !!!

As for what I said. I just was saying i didnt know if Kick 10 was part of EX or part of an expansion since I have the whole thing :)

Either way kick 10 slays as does Snare 5 and I really love the Dream Theater Metal kit!
Sorry if it's not supposed to mean something like this Dalinkwent48, but is that "^" pointing at my reply saying something bad? Or are you just indicating to other users that above is the list?

Sorry if it isn't intended to be something bad, but I don't know the terminology used in forums that much, and IF I did something wrong, it REALLY wasn't my intention, I just don’t have enough money to be buying any of these guessing that for example some kick mentioned here is in package X.

If you were just pointing at the list, then sorry for misunderstanding it.

English isn't my main language