help...lost my growling skills


Apr 11, 2002
Well, I lost a good piece of my grunting/growling skills (maybe 70%) overnight! How can this happen? I used to be very good in grunting since I discovered a new techique. But it seems that my body can't produce enough mucos to let me grow like Chris Barnes or like the opeth singer.

Do you have any tips you could share with me? I know that smoking really works, but it's also very damaging for your voice (I still want to do clean vox as well). I tried several things like milk or chocolate to stimulate the production of mocus. Guess what results I had....:cry:

please help if you can...this is a very sad thing...
"Well, I lost a good piece of my grunting/growling skills (maybe 70%) overnight! How can this happen? I used to be very good in grunting since I discovered a new techique. But it seems that my body can't produce enough mucos to let me grow like Chris Barnes or like the opeth singer.

Do you have any tips you could share with me? I know that smoking really works, but it's also very damaging for your voice (I still want to do clean vox as well). I tried several things like milk or chocolate to stimulate the production of mocus. Guess what results I had....

please help if you can...this is a very sad thing..."

You're a fucking retard smoking dosent help with growling and neither does having tons of mucus you just sing low(or high for black metal) and rasp your voice it hurts and you cough like a motherfucker for the first month or so but then you get used to it.... nothing to do with fucking smoking, smoking ruins your voice and makes it sound like shit
Don't get me wrong. I would never smoke. I hate smoking. It makes me sick! But it really works. A friend of mine is a smoker and he can growl like hell. I even feel that people like Alexi from CoB are cheating because of their smoking...

BUT I really know that having a lot of mucus does help!! I used to have a lot and it was very easy to do a good growl. Now, without mucus I rasp my voice that it hurts!!! I doesn't even work...all I do is to produce a deep tone. No growl....

If you don't believe me...fine. I appreciate criticism...but please stay constructive...thanks! :rolleyes:
No your fucking wrong i dont smoke and i rarely have any mucus it only hurts if your not used to it and i can growl like a motherfucker
if i had something to record i would give samples(the recorder on my computer makes my voice sound like absolute shit)
Well..I read it. I tried it. Nothing happened. But I discovered a new technique that gets me dark,deep growls!! Unfortunately it hurts my throat real hard. As I type, I can't swallow anything without pain. :D

humm...isn't that funny as it appears to be...problem is:
I can't go back to the old technique....this is shit....gonna try it again tomorrow. Wish me luck...and a good growl to you :)
Drink beers often, and simply unleash the fury!!!

Also if you want it fast and brutal then kind of make all vowels to an "A"... This can eresult in some brutal hyperspeed growls!!!
Originally posted by Magicawe
it only hurts if your not used to it

Not exactly true. If you know the teqhnique, you can do it so that it doesn't hurt at all, even in the beginning.
As for smoking I don't know, but the main thing is to growl from the chest and keep your throat wet - if it is dry you will damage your voice.

Also - ensure you are not overpressuring your voice - keep it at a comfortable level and if needed whack up the PA a bit more.

A final thing is to always try to growl with a note - don't just grunt - grunting is not a melodic growl - a decent growl will have pitch and length.
I'm not so sure about the "wet throat" thing. Growling is going to damage your voice, no matter what. Look at Angela from Arch Enemy, who just had surgery to remove vocal nodes. My advice is to gargle razor blades every morning. 5 sets of 10.
the gorwling technique can be done without vocal damage..if done correctly

If you can't growl, take a few days off.

also, warm up properly-this can make or break your voice.

The biggest hint I can give is to push air from your gut like normal singers do. DO NOT put lots of pressure on your vocal chords!