Help me choose the right gauge strings for my 7 string


Stymphalian Productions
May 20, 2006
Basically im using 10-59 strings now on my C7 Hellraiser and I find the bottom strings too slack. So I want to take it up a notch, ive looked into some of the premade packs by D'addario and I might need to get a custom set making.

I was thinking about the 10-52 with the 70 on top like Loomis but I don't tune half a step down. 10-52 is perfectly good on another guitar I have in standard however thats got a 24.75 scale length, the C7 being 26.5.

So I was thinking the 10-52 with the .70 would be a bit on the tight side for such a tuning/scale length.

Any suggestions? :headbang:
Here you can find every set/single string you could need:

That "22.5" was a typo I guess... 25.5, isn't it?
I would try to remain on the 10-52 plus a single string from 65 to 70...
If you think it could be too tight, maybe the DR 10-50 could be a good compromise.

I suggest you to order a bunch of 10-52 and some different B strings, so that you can try and see what's best for you. If 10-52 is too heavy for the 7, you can always use them on the 6, without waste of money...
Having a .52 for the E-string and then a .70 for the B seems like it'd be really imbalanced, so Jeff or someone would need to chime in to confirm that - you really find a .59 in B to be too slack, even with a longer neck? Craziness...
Yeah sorry its totally wrong lol, I meant 24.75 scale :) Thanks for the link wild!

I too was thinking about perhaps a .65 or something. Marcus, yeah thats what ive heard a few times, thats what he uses. I too would think a .59 would be tight enough but tbh it feels more like a .54 for some reason. Just for the chugging it just dosen't give a quick responce, but I don't want to go too thick and into the WOOF factor! :p
Yeah sorry its totally wrong lol, I meant 24.75 scale :) Thanks for the link wild!

I too was thinking about perhaps a .65 or something. Marcus, yeah thats what ive heard a few times, thats what he uses. I too would think a .59 would be tight enough but tbh it feels more like a .54 for some reason. Just for the chugging it just dosen't give a quick responce, but I don't want to go too thick and into the WOOF factor! :p

Dude... .60 ftw.