help me decide, i was offered a trade.


Aug 2, 2011
I currently own an Engl powerball and a peavey classic 50 2X12 combo.
i was offered for an Engl e530 preamp trade against the peavey..
the peavey is more expensive, but in a pretty bad shape, it working great, but it got like 10 years. and the engl is new. what do you suggest??
I don't know where you live, but the Engl is worth more on the used market here. I can pick up the Classic 50 for like $300.

That being said, they're vastly different sounds, so it should really be pretty obvious which one you want based on your own needs...
well i dont have any "needs" i just have the classic 50 here and i am not using it, but i do like its crunch overtone sound and i think if the e530 also have some of that more low gain feeling? something the powerball doesnt have.
also something to consider- i dont have a power amp, so, i guess i will be using it with the powerball power section? but then, will i notice any bid differeance? since the sound is vastly colored by the power section.

@ MatrixClaw, i think it was you who compared a while ago different speakers with the e530? i still have you files, i really love what you got there.
also i am talking about a combo peavely classic 50. on the used market they sell them for like 650$ (while new one costs 1500$). the e530 is being sold new from 1000$
also i am talking about a combo peavely classic 50. on the used market they sell them for like 650$ (while new one costs 1500$). the e530 is being sold new from 1000$

So am i. There's a Classic 50 4x10 on my CL for $350 and a 2x12 for $450 right now, both of which have been up quite a while.
I don't know, you already have a powerball so it's not like you're getting something completely different with the e530. I'd probably look for something else. I had one of those peaveys but just the 1x12 version and liked it for clean and gritty sounds but the open back never worked for heavier stuff. I dont know the e530 never seemed to be one of engl's higher-end amps imo, more like a budget amp, they can go for $450 or less pretty much whenever I see them.
^agree with Mike there. You've got the engl territory covered.

I also liked the classic, not for heavier styles, but it's a nice amp for cleans, gritty tones and less agressive tones.
thanks guys, thats what i was thiniking also but wanted to be sure i am not missing a good chance. gonna stay with the classic then