Sounds pretty good to me as well! Maybe try another amp sim instead, LeCto for instance.
And not free (but definitely cheap!) but I'm still digging the shit out of TSE x50
Correct! Well it's an emulation of a 5150 if I'm not mistaken but that's almost the same .
It has an demo version you can check out, the full version costs 49, which is an absolute bargain for what you'll get.
Plus, the coming (free) update will include the X30 as well, so you'll get two amplifiers in the package
Not getting paid to promote the product by the way haha, but highly recommending it
It's nice to see people using plugins with GUIs that I've designed (though, still all the credits go to LePou for his awesome work).
Anyway, I advise you to try Legion plugin instead, and do a blind test (just to be completely unbiased) - I've always found it superior to any other ampsim out there, the distortion is much more smoother and accurate...
As for the IR - the Sneap Edge is great-sounding-organic impulse (if you're referring to "EDGE -1 Inch ala Sneap pic.wav"?), but it's missing some raw heaviness in the mids... So try blending it with some other impulse that's really all about cab resonance and lots of mid frequencies (something like some Orange cab impulse of a mic directed at cone or similar).
That sounds heaps better.
So is that the:
Legion -> EDGE -1 Inch ala Sneap pic.wav + ? (orange cab)
Actually, I like the first version better