help me out,Haunted-style song with vox


May 9, 2009
there's a 3-song demo i'm working on that's due in two days, haven't been able to get around it so well because there's a bunch of problems with my computer, anyway i picked up the pace today and i think it's getting there but then again my ears are pretty shot at this point.

so tell me, is there anything obviously wrong with the mix? how about some smaller tweaks? there is some un-tightness to the guitars but that can't be helped anymore, so we're going to have to work with what we have.

thanks guys.

EDIT. think i turned the bass down too much. what do you think?
ya, overall frequency balance sounds on the higher end, i'd bring out some bass. guitars sound a little fizzy, try a mid-cut on them, it helped for my guitars on a recent mix
ya, overall frequency balance sounds on the higher end, i'd bring out some bass. guitars sound a little fizzy, try a mid-cut on them, it helped for my guitars on a recent mix

thanks man.

here's an updated mix - i addressed all of that and a bit more, i think it's soon there, maybe i should take the vocals down just a notch and a couple of other small things.

think i got some of the fizz out as well. how does it sound? (kopio).mp3
It might be just me but the guitars sound a bit undergained and a touch too dry for this mix. That's just what I think. The frequencies are definitely better than the first one though. The bass is just slightly too loud I think. You can still get away with it the way it is though in my opinion. Maybe just turn the low end down if you have it separated.
Have to agree about the guitar.s They don't really feel saturated enough for the style. Otherwise, I'm a fan! Good stuff
thanks guys!

i think you're right... i keep hearing that less is more with gain so i guess i've been a bit careful with it. gotta try adding some, it could mask some of the mistakes too!
The guitars sound really sloppy to me. It's like the drums are edited (programmed?) but the guitars don't sound like they have the same tightness at all. Also sounds like the right side guitar is brighter (scratchier) than the left one, typically not a bad thing but in this mix it's quite distracting.
The guitars sound really sloppy to me. It's like the drums are edited (programmed?) but the guitars don't sound like they have the same tightness at all. Also sounds like the right side guitar is brighter (scratchier) than the left one, typically not a bad thing but in this mix it's quite distracting.

i get what you're saying... there's two other songs that have way tighter guitar tracks... we should have re-recorded the first one.

i also found the scratchiness of the right side guitar annoying on the way so i generously smoothed it out. not sure if the guitars ended up being too smooth/dull, they might miss some edge now but i guess that's the tradeoff for using ampsims.

here is a final version that i'm intending to release today along with the two other tracks, how's that sound? 1-2.mp3