Help Me Out Here


Jun 29, 2003
Please no flames, I get enough of them already. ;)

I am a huge fan of Opeth and I have heard a lot of good from other fans about SymphonyX. I have not heard a single song by SymphonyX and I would like to listen to SX a lot. Could someone reconmend me the best album (I'll download every song from it and if I like it then I'll buy it, if I don't then I will delete it). What sub-genre is SX? I am open for anything good. :D

Thanks for the help. 8-)
Ehh sub-genre? Try Progressive Power-Metal?? I dunno!

If you're looking for a good place to start maybe you should begin with V - The Mythology Suite. That's where I started and was blown away. It has every aspect on it where Symphony X excells in, imo, fast technical stuff, beautiful melodies, great harmonies, classical interludes, the whole thing. If you can't get into V, You probably won't like the rest of their ouvre either. Go for it, I say.
Ok. I thought that was the reconmendation that I would get. I have heard that it is a magical album. That it draws everyone towards it.
I would recommend starting with the Divine Wings of Tragedy. I was hooked on that one instantly while it took me some time to appreciate V (although it's now in my CD player almost exclusively and is a brilliant album). I'm not sure V is the one to start with. Just my opinion though.
I'm willing to bet that if you have an open mind, then any album by Symphony X (other than their first one) would be enough to get you into them. If that recommendation isn't enough for you, then try either V or The Odyssey first.
ok, this is what u should do....

first of all, get your money and inmediately buy "the divine wings of tragedy". listen to it for about 3 weeks and then u'll be ready for V, when u listen to it about one month (cause this album is totally going to be in your cd player for at least a month) and then u will say "FUCK! SX IS FUKIN AWESOME!!!"....then u'll buy the "damnation game" and deliberate 2 more weeks, till u decide to buy "twilight in olympus", and it's magic will send you to WONDERLAND where you will loose every brain cell trying to decifrate how can sx be so glorious, after that you will buy the odyssey and then u will fall appart, coz everyday u'll have this constant fight of wich album should you listen first coz they're all amazing and incredible....after u get used to the albums, really understand them and enjoy them, u'll buy the "symphony x" album re-recorded of course, because they should be putting it out in the market about that date, and then, and only then....u'll be ready to die.....understood???
SyX isnt doing the rerecorded S/T album, Avathar...

Anyway, I suggest either DWoT or The Odyssey since you're into Opeth, those two are their heaviest albums, but personally I think DWoT is a tad "darker" in some spots.
If you like Opeth, it seems you like the heavier stuff so The Odessey is the best place to start for you as it's the heaviest and has some fucking cool riffs. V is also a good place to start but its more symphonic and melodic than tO.
These two are the best place to start... then you will be is a prog and (non-cheezy) power metal heaven.
Ok, I'll check out The Odessey and V. Please keep in mind that just because Opeth is my favorite band doesn't mean that I am a metal head. :)