Help me out with my Dream Rig (Bass)


Santa Hat Forever
I´ve mentally made up an idea for a dream rig which I would start buying part by part, based on a POD (POD X3 Pro) and some additional stuff, mainly for purposes of having great variety for tone as I like to play lots of genres, used to in Venezuela and hopefully will be able to play different genres in different bands in my new home.

So, I would like a head setup of:

POD X3 Pro
Sansamp PSA-1
Some cool Equalizer maybe
Power amp

Of course the more toys the better, If I was millionaire I´d get a fancy tuner, other fx or stuff like that but the POD will really suffice, the psa would be as an alternative for a preamp cause I love the sound of those things, and I could also use some effects on the POD while using the PSA-1. THe equalizer would be a fun extra, as a quick and effective tool for shaping and balancing tone depending on what cab/setup I´ll use (in most live shows I would take just the head setup and use whatever cab is in the venue, fuck taking a cab).

Is this simply insane? Any tips for a good not too expensive Power amp and equalizer? any other ideas for it? and ideas for a good rack case also! Thx!
dbx 131 - its the eq i use in my live rig

for bass I like it the easy way.
I play Jazz, grindcore or stoner rock on my Stingray and most of the time I use the same
amp sound because I am way to lazy.
The only difference is that I change my playing style, play with a pick or with the fingers
and change the eq on the bass-that's it.
I only use effects if I really need them on bass, like for a distorted sound or stuff like that.
In my opinion a POD and a Sansamp would be way to much.
Just get yourself the POD and you will have enough, or buy a BDDI or something like that
and get some extra effects, like an compressor, a chorus or stuff like that.
I think that would be better, easier and cheaper.
This isn't helpful but my taste is more like Stef's: a great bass into a great amp into a great cab. If you need more than a couple of effects I would maybe consider an x3 live but if you are only after a couple of tones IMO it makes more sense to buy the real amp than the emulation.
bass>sansamp>power amp

if you can't get a great tone out of those 3, thar may be somethin wrong with ya :cool:

I know a dude that runs a sansamp thru a fucking mackie power amp into an 8x10 and it sounds great
If I were you I would just buy a great amp and cab like egan and Stef suggested. Dedicated power amps for bass are very expensive and you'll probably get a beter tone out of an Ampeg, GK or whatever you fancy most than from a sim running through a power amp. In addition you can still use your Pod XT with the Amp for FX if you like to.
try this: SANSAMP RBI


I had no idea of the existence of this, and now want it more than the Psa-1, plus cheaper. PSA1 costs 700 euro in a local music shop, but I was told by my cousin musicians that store is shit.

Hey man! I remember you telling us about your move. How is everything settling in?
All good man, I'm still looking for a job though so I'm currently still living with my grandmother (and my girlfriend) till I get a stable income and move out. Which means no buying gear for now, just making plans haha

To everybody else, about not using effects, actually I really do use effects as a bassist, for my doom band as part of my live tone I use a slight chorus, and when playing death metal and heavier stuff I love to slap an octaver on it. These fx are currently supplied by my behringer bass v-amp (plus amp simulation and my entire tone, I just bypass amps, I currently dont' have an amp either. But I am more than anxious to upgrade from the v-amp). And although I agrre a good bass through a great amp will in the end sound better, I really fear the lack of diversity in a 100% one amp based tone. When it comes to bass amps I feel no matter how much tweaking (and there normally isn't too much tweaking options) you'll always sound like "that" amp. And If I'd sacrifice tone variety for a single sound, I'd prefer to sound like "Daniel's tone" than just "Ampeg's tone" if you get what I mean, even if I know it sounds kinda silly and pretentious. Plus, for me to get an amp that I can be 100% satisfied with for any style I would play, I would have to spend a shitload of money on it, and right now my financial status is chaotic.

But taking many tips in consideration, I might shape it into the Sansamp RBI, an Eq, a good compressor (any tips on this? rack or pedal?) and a power amp. But I would still want the fx, at least an octaver and a chorus, and a POD would be an inmediate solution to my needed upgrade on everything, so I might as well first buy a POD, and when I get the other stuff it could stay just for fx. Is someone still with me?

Oh and yeah I've seen prices on bass power amps, that could be a problem. I don't know, is it too much of an issue to use a guitar or some other power amp? and could I find one cheaper?