Help me pick an apartment

No doubt Shok. I just meant those 'dating' events, like speed dating or whatever its called and such. Both men and women are there for the same reason. To find somebody else. Just happens to be that women go in greater numbers than guys.
No doubt Shok. I just meant those 'dating' events, like speed dating or whatever its called and such. Both men and women are there for the same reason. To find somebody else. Just happens to be that women go in greater numbers than guys.

Really? I guess I just assumed that all dating-related things, including speed dating, singles bars, dating sites, etc., are all sausage-fests.

Well, I officially put a deposit down on the place, and I start moving in October 1 (which also happens to be my birthday). And I should mention that the place looks a lot less drab in broad daylight. :lol: When I originally went to check it out, it was storming out.
Well, I officially put a deposit down on the place, and I start moving in October 1 (which also happens to be my birthday). And I should mention that the place looks a lot less drab in broad daylight. :lol: When I originally went to check it out, it was storming out.
YAY! Good job, you! Picking an apartment SUUUUCKS. Of course, picking anything SUUUUUCKS for someone as indecisive as moi! Anyway-- congrats on the new place. The move date is going to be inconvenient for PPUSA ......ick!! (you are going, right?) :rock:
well, actually my current lease runs out at the end of October... thus, I have a whole month to move my crap. :) I'll probably start doing a little bit of moving before ProgPower, but the majority of it will probably be the following weekend.
well, actually my current lease runs out at the end of October... thus, I have a whole month to move my crap. :) I'll probably start doing a little bit of moving before ProgPower, but the majority of it will probably be the following weekend.

Gotta love slow moves. :heh:

I couldn't break my lease at my apartment after I bought my house -- due to crime, I opted to move out of the urban area, kinda the opposite of what you did -- so I had two months to move. I have a small car, so every night I'd load up the seats and the trunk with boxes of stuff, haul it out to the house, a distance of about 35-40 miles.... Some friends volunteered themselves and their flatbed trailer for the 'big' stuff, so it was a cheap move, too. whew!

I closed on the house the day before Dragon*Con started (!) and for a brief, glorious (and expensive) time, I had two abodes, two keys.... It was that way during PP that year, too.