Help me with blackened thrash

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
I want to start writing some material which is basically thrash, but with an evil sort of edge, call it "blackened" or whatever if you prefer.

What I'm thinking of is something with quite raw origins like Venom and Motorhead, but with the complex, dark riffage of releases like Seven Churches and Pleasure to Kill. As for other elements of black metal, like more repeated melodic ideas or more repetitive blasting drum sections, I'm not really decided.

But anyway, I think it is important to know what is around within the genre to help get inspiration and influences, but I feel that the extent of my listening into this 'blackened' thrash stuff is limited.

Some albums I have that sort of add to what I'm thinking of:

Venom - Welcome to Hell
Possessed - Seven Churches (I consider this largely thrash)
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Absu - Tara

and quite a lot of the 'staple' albums in the more broad thrash genre, but in terms of delving into the more 'evil' sounding thrash, I need to broaden out.

So to cut a long story short, can anyone help me in this sort of direction?

NOTE: it would be much more helpful if you could say LESS names, but describe a bit about each one (their style, a recommended album, etc) than just listing as many obscure bands that you can think of.

infernäl mäjesty "none shall defy"

canadian. evil as shit. like to fuck around with weird time signatures and sing about satan. kinda sounds like "hell awaits" at times.

that, and living colour
1) shut up greys

2) thanks Erik, good start

edit: by the way cheers, I've just been checking out Infernal Majesty and this is the sort of stuff I'm talking about. Nice complex riffs, and lots of them :) but not necessarily all 'old school' sounding thrash, or indeed doesnt all have to be strictly thrash.
Yeah, they seem to be all the rage round here. I've listened to their 4 tracks on Myspace. Yes I agree it's cool stuff...not QUITE as amazing as people here made it out to be, but I'm glad I heard it.
Lethal; Erik's band was actually the first to come to mind.

Early Destroyer 666 might be what you're looking for. "Violence is the Prince of this World" is raw and dirty as fuck, though perhaps more in the early Aussie "war metal" vein.

Maybe... Drunkard - Hellish Metal Dominate.
High On Maiden said:
OK thanks. I wondered about Destroyer 666, I'm going to have to check them out.

If "Violence..." is too raw/dirty for your linkings, or even if it's not, you should check out the rest of their discography, starting with "Phoenix Rising", simply because it's far too good to ignore.
Damnation - Destructo Evangelia
Bathory - Bathory
Bathory - The Return...
Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
Tearstained - Monumental In Its Sorrow
Tearstained - There Is No Hope
Tearstained - Final Thoughts
I've been listening to Altars of Madness today and this still comes under what I'm talking about. It's really chaotic but still has a dark thrash edge to it, so anything like that I could spread to.

btw - what is the thrashiest of the Bathory releases?
Impiety - Skullfucking Armageddon
Sabbat - Karmagmassacre
Sabbat - Karisma
Vulcano - Tales from the Black Book
Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising.....well pretty much everything by them