Help me with real drums... eventually you'll get some killer samples :)

For snare bleed, try make the butt of the mic face directly at the hats, so if you must, put the hats a little higher to compensate with the angle of mic facing the snare. This works brilliantly for me, and it solved most of my problems with bleed, it's very faint.

Recorded a band today. Got his toms sounding AMAZING - really, the best I've ever heard. New heads.. because he'd thought they were crap and took em off straight after getting em. What you hear is with practically 0 Eq or compression, but they are samples. Can upload if anyone wants.
Snare was a bit meh but it seems to work, what you hear is pretty much natural. I mixed another samples in really low for some punch, you can barely hear it. Kick was fully replaced. Really minimal processing too. scooped out 200Hz, boosted at like 5khz, 5dB of compression, that's it. The room sound really adds a lot to it, even tho it was a shitty garage. Cymbals were AWFUL ugh.

On a side note: fuck drum editing. I really need to learn how to do it well, especially with these ghost notes. 1.mp3
Ok update.

Probly the best my snare has sounded raw but I'm still not totally happy with it. I think I need a bottom mic.

Kick mic is officially fucked, I'll be sending it into Shure later. But I really want a D6.. I'm not liking the Beta52. (don't like how boxy it is. I think too much muffling, but the ring is still there. Fuck.) (Kick is replaced with a sample from a 57 of my kick, rest is all natural. No tom mics on.) (as above, but I used I took samples from the bottom with my 57 and blended those in).
Not that I think anyone checks this thread anymore, but I've managed to pretty much nail the Slate sound (2 moongels worth of muffling, hit it hard, few dBs of compression. Easier than it seems), as well as the Paramore Riot sound. Will be showcasing the latter in an awesome rock mix later this week or next week.