HELP!! Need someone to reamp for next album.


Aug 3, 2005
Holland, Zwolle
The story........
For our next album we recorded the clean guitars for reamping. So far so good.

We did 2 reampsessions in our local musicstore.

The first session was Diezel VH4+Bogner cabinet. At home we heard that we reamped with too little gain, the palmmute was not really there.

The second session again the VH4+Bogner, but now with a tubescreamer in front. Now the sound was better but not 100% super. But Bob/ToxicGrindMachine is going to mix the album, so we didn't need to worry.

Some songs are devited into 2 parts and checking all songs last night (now...) it seems I forgot to reamp a part of a song:hypno::hypno::hypno::hypno::hypno:

The horror:ill:

We have to give Bob all the files for mixing in about 2 weeks. So who is willing to reamp for us?
We will pay you, but keep in mind we are poor musicians.

Anyone who's able to deliver a good sound, contact me at
Send me an example (mp3) of your work if you can.

Thanx, I hope you guys can help us out.

DeadHead myspace
Hey if you upload the tracks i can give it go for free (its good practise for me) if you like what you hear keep it. There is loads of guys who would want to give this a shot jut upload the tracks. Oh what reference sound are you looking for? Album Band ect?
Thanx for the tip, Act!:grin:


Here are 2 files, one guitar left and one guitar right.
I'm looking for a direkt sound, an "in-your-face" sound. But we are also fans of the old Exodus - Bonded and Metallica - Ride sound.

As long it is a "tube" sound.

Just give it a go please:worship:

I gave it a quick go tonight both tracks through mesa dual rec and engl powerball paned 85 each side and the its mostly the mesa the engl is turned way down its just to ticken the mix up. Mic was single sm57 on v30 in a standard engl 4x12. Both amps boosted with maxon od808 all dials set at noon

Im not realy happy with how it turned out now listening back but my ears are shot so:rolleyes:

Still getting used to the mesa its realy in your face amp compared to the engl waay more organic sounding.