Help needed - ripping software?

My brother in law rips and burns DVDs and says it is damn simple with the program he uses, and I haven't heard him mention anything about having to do audio and video seperately. He may have some user friendly program that doesn't let you manipulate things that much though. I shall ask what it is he uses.

I shall do some reading up on mp3 players when I am more serious about getting one (ie, when I have more money to burn).
Iriver's are shit, the only reason they get such good reviews is because Ipod's are made by apple, and techies are wankers who are too brand loyal.

The only thing Iriver's have over Ipods is that they are firmware upgradeable, which is not really all that much of an advantage unless your rip songs to .ogg or .mpc or something.

The battery life thing is bullshit, you have to treat a battery properly in order for it to work properly. The same thing goes for mobile phones or anything of the sort. Iriver's battery's are no better than Ipods.

Blitzy: Find out for me, I am interested to know.
My boss bought his a couple of weeks ago, followed all the instructions to the letter because he heard there was a battery problem and didn't want to make it worse - he has had 3 hours from it. Two of the guys on my counter have iPods - 3-4 hours max with them, all 15gb models. I have read two reviews that have tested the iRiver battery and got 15 hours from it. I can't possible imagine why after purchasing such a shiney and brilliant new toy people would then start lying about the battery life. When Apple make a machine that give me 15 hours on the battery then I will be at the front of the queue for it because I think they are fantastic. I have no brand loyalty either way, but after spending the last 2 years with a mini disc player with a 14 hour battery life I'm not prepared to take anything less. :)
I got an iPod off my boss for Xmas. Tis Fuckin awesome. I have a shitload of music on it and only used about 5-10% of the space. Bought an adapter as well so I can pump it though my stereo.

You can also buy a little adapter that allows you to play your iPod through any radio station. For example, you se your iPod to some unused station like 97.3 and then turn the radio onto 97.3 and bobs your cock. The range is something like 50 metres, but that is cool anyway.
I would like to chip in and say that although I know nothing, iPod's are pretty damn ugly.

why ya have to rip dvd's? cant you just play a dvd & let yer video card capture it like ya do with streaming video or vhs movies, then use one of the zillion home movie editting programs to auto tag it?

slobbert allways gives me dvd's he copied and a head of lettuce has more brain than him. theres gotta be an easy way to do it. he allways burns un on cd-r's (so a short movie takes 3 cd's :rolleyes: ) and sometimes he doesnt have the codecs tagged right to use on the tv, but they allways work on my pc
div-x compresses in mpeg4 is supposed to be dvd quality. most of the stuff he uses div-x, it's never fit on one. i dont usually watch um though :loco:
im not much of a movie buff-i see tv i dont want to, everywhere i go as it is.