Help Satyricon please

-iLluSiON- said:
Once again, Frost, Satyricon's drummer, has been denied a visa to come to America. He can't play drums because he got into a bar fight 10 YEARS AGO. The US Homeland Security thinks him as a terrorist. Please help and sign the petition, we're going to show Satyr in a few weeks.

They already got a replacement drummer. Joey from Slipknot. Hey i dont like Slipknot but hes a good drummer. Hell do fine, your there for the music anyway.
Yeah, but it would be nice if they had Frost. They've been trying to get him into the country for sometime.

This doesn't for just Satyricon though. It goes for all European musicians who are denied access to the US because of minor crimes they've committed. It's pretty ridiculous..
-iLluSiON- said:
Yeah, but it would be nice if they had Frost. They've been trying to get him into the country for sometime.

This doesn't for just Satyricon though. It goes for all European musicians who are denied access to the US because of minor crimes they've committed. It's pretty ridiculous..

I agree , Im glad they found a replacement but I can see Joey just about nythime in the states and yes it would be nice to see Frost. Its still the music but would just have more of an aura with frost.
I agree , Im glad they found a replacement but I can see Joey just about nythime in the states and yes it would be nice to see Frost. Its still the music but would just have more of an aura with frost.

Even though it doesn't affect me (being in Australia and all), I wish they'd let Frost into the US. Joey will be a good cover for him, but Frost has a very good 'feel' as a drummer that few others have (to my ears anyway). Besides, it's just SO ridiculous that a fucking barfight a decade ago can see a man unable to enter to the US.
Meh, who cares, the new satyricon is bleh.. I cant believe it's the same guys who wrote"walk the path of sorrow" etc.
But would be nice to see them, so they could play their old stuff,
Kinda the same situation with in flames :tickled:
Moloch said:
Meh, who cares, the new satyricon is bleh.. I cant believe it's the same guys who wrote"walk the path of sorrow" etc.
But would be nice to see them, so they could play their old stuff,
Kinda the same situation with in flames :tickled:

BLASPHEMER!!!!!! Just kidding. I saw Inflames three times on their Reroute tour once before the release and twice after. The two times after its release were better because I knew the songs off of Reroute. System and Cloud connected were awesome live. So was GYROSCOPE!!! Oh yeah baby.
BLASPHEMER!!!!!! Just kidding. I saw Inflames three times on their Reroute tour once before the release and twice after. The two times after its release were better because I knew the songs off of Reroute. System and Cloud connected were awesome live. So was GYROSCOPE!!! Oh yeah baby.
I have a bootleg from march 2003, its ok..
Even on the songs without much electronics, for like a sec or so the guitars will sound fake.. some pedal or something.. i dunno
But cloud connected was good cuz the played the chours with a minor chord :rock:
They also played (ones I like, not all of them, though not much, its 45 minutes including interviews) clayman, episode666, cloud connected of course, cuz it was decent with the l lead, only for the weak for the same reason, trigger was ok, cuz of the song meanin, even the the quiet place was decent, because I am open minded when it comes to music, and it also has a good lyrics, but it needs a solo it there badly to make of for the simple riffage, and my sweet shadow was good, it was the outro- very fitting.
The reason I can stand new in flames is because of my open mindness, but I dont asssciate it with death metal, I associate it as in flames.
But from an in flames perspective(i.e melodic death metal) it's subpar, they're gotten to melodic and not aggresive enough, which anders says in interview that they're known for having a mix between aggresion and melodic music, show me where the aggression is again?
first track maybe? In search for I also?
Where does it show it's self again? I cant seem to find it.
The aggression is there as always. And as usual with In Flames, it's wrapped in swathes of melody, it's just a different kind of melody these days.

I saw them live for the first time a few months ago, and they're a pretty impressive unit. Not the best I've seen (that'd be Mayhem or Opeth) but well worth seeing. The STYE songs were written with a live show in mind, so unsurprisingly those songs came across better at the venue than they do on the stereo at home. Indeed at some point that night my ears really opened up to the STYE sound, because it's definitely grown on me ever since.

I agree that Satyricon aren't as good as they were, but I will defend the merits of Volcano to my grave. It's a very fucking cool album.
Dude.. STYE is a piece of shit compared to the high standard in flames made with their previous albums.
If made with live show in mind means simple songs, then sure.
They have no problem playing their other shit, and it's worhy of being called metal.
Aggression and melody are two very difference things.
Aggression- dying fetus, nile etc.
You can't tell me with a straight face that the quiet place is aggresive, the only aggresive song on the album is f(r)iend.
To me the best thing about in flames was dual leads, like in only for the weak- awesome solo.
No awesome solos in new in flames.
It's fairly obvious who they're targetting.
Moloch said:
Dude.. STYE is a piece of shit compared to the high standard in flames made with their previous albums.
If made with live show in mind means simple songs, then sure.
They have no problem playing their other shit, and it's worhy of being called metal.
Aggression and melody are two very difference things.
Aggression- dying fetus, nile etc.
You can't tell me with a straight face that the quiet place is aggresive, the only aggresive song on the album is f(r)iend.
To me the best thing about in flames was dual leads, like in only for the weak- awesome solo.
No awesome solos in new in flames.
It's fairly obvious who they're targetting.

I agree that STYE is their weakest album. Before the concert, I didn't like it much at all, and if not for the concert, I'd probably have sold it by now. I do prefer the older stuff and wish that they'd play stuff that was more artistically satisfying. The dual leads were absolutely beautiful and they were what elevated In Flames above any other Melodic Death bands.

Incidentally, the highlight of that concert was Moonshield, so I don't agree with the 'necessity' of making the riffs more simplistic for a live show. Whatever we think their motives are for it though, the bottom line is the music, and sadly, STYE shows a continuing trend of decline in In Flames' work.

The album isn't that aggressive, my point was more that In Flames were never really that aggressive to begin with. If I want something heavy and aggressive, I turn to something like Marduk or Deicide.
Devillicus said:
I agree that STYE is their weakest album. Before the concert, I didn't like it much at all, and if not for the concert, I'd probably have sold it by now. I do prefer the older stuff and wish that they'd play stuff that was more artistically satisfying. The dual leads were absolutely beautiful and they were what elevated In Flames above any other Melodic Death bands.

Incidentally, the highlight of that concert was Moonshield, so I don't agree with the 'necessity' of making the riffs more simplistic for a live show. Whatever we think their motives are for it though, the bottom line is the music, and sadly, STYE shows a continuing trend of decline in In Flames' work.

The album isn't that aggressive, my point was more that In Flames were never really that aggressive to begin with. If I want something heavy and aggressive, I turn to something like Marduk or Deicide.
Behind space? coerced existance, even clayman, dead eternity, episode 666, artifacts of the black rain, december flower etc.
But if you want something really heavy put on Immmortal- battles in the north :rock: :flame:
Behind space, Coerced Existence, Clayman, Dead Eternity, Episode 666, Artifacts Of The Black Rain, December Flower .

ALL GREAT SONGS. ( goes grabs all my Inflames albums and squeezes them with love)

Also System, Trigger, and Clad In Shadows.

By the way Deicide sucks. Marduk and Immortal rock ass though.
The problem with new in flames, is while they have grown on me, I dont associate them with in flames, since they lack the classic in flames sound.
Moloch said:
The problem with new in flames, is while they have grown on me, I dont associate them with in flames, since they lack the classic in flames sound.

Fair call. Pretty much sums up how I feel about it too.

Oh and EVERLOSTINDEADETERNITY, I can understand how you might dislike Deicide. I've only got a live album and a burned verson of Legion. It's one of those things I throw on when I'm just in the mood for a blistering wall of sound rather than something to actively listen to. Marduk do do it better, and Immortal are just fucking godly. :worship: