Help settle a Jasonic / Diabolik argument!

Wait, the SKULL are playing DAYS OF THE DOOMED?
I really need to read these news stories closer.

Which day are they playing? Must not be the first day as I thought I saw the running order of bands.

What is the lineup for Day 2?

@ Bob - I told you to go after the SKULL!!!!!!!!
I want to see THE SKULL so bad.
Wonder if they will do any local warm up gigs.
Wonder how its gonna pan out with Carpenter living in FLA now too.
Guess he will be making more trips back north.
Simon - Are you considering Days of the Doomed?
If so, let me know. I am only interested in Day 2

If I find a new job by that point (which considering the dates is fairly likely), yes I definitely am. I was intrigued by the one last year and really am intrigued by this one as well. I will definitely let you know.
Lee, have you heard Blackfinger?
Saw them open for Diamond Head. Not sure yet what to think. Will wait for full length for final verdict.
It is still Eric Wagner so it's still good to me.